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Looking for Advice:

I am considering Making an NSFW teir and bringing back my Adult mods here. My subscribestar is not really doing all that well, and the Custom Oliver Tier is being misused by subscribers. I am tired of the belittlement around that teir and Oliver. I'd rather just have everything in one place. The issue with Subscribestar is I cannot shut down my account until the tiers have no active subscribers. As well, I cannot request a payout until $150. Subscribestar so far just hasn't worked out the way I had hoped.


Please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.



I'll definitely sign up on the NSFW tier, it's a nice idea.


I’d follow you either way!! I think whatever you need to do to give yourself a safer space to post, you should do!


I'd rather have a nsfw tier here and only have to go to one place for your stuff.


Wait, how do I access your adults mod now?


There is now a Teir here on Patreon for them. By doing this I am following Patreon NSFW TOS. sorry.

True AI

I would LOVE it if you could move them here. I currently visit both this site and your Subscribestar page to get updates. Moving them here would make it easier on me.


Thanks. Subscribestar had become creator unfriendly for me. Their support staff is very unprofessional and I had people joining my custom Oliver teir only to leave crude remakes when they left because it isn't what they signed up for. I wish people would read things more often instead of just click buttons.


Already up and running. :) I prefer it all in one space too. I hated moving it due to some jealous creator. Hopefully this time around, no issue.


Already done :) I agree. I hated moving my mods because of a false accusation by a jealous modder. This does mean I have to paywall them to fit Patreon Tos, but better safe than sorry.


Thanks :) I've already made the tier and included discord support for it as well. Having my nsfw mods elsewhere made it a bit complex and annoying. As well... subscribestar in the end just wasn't a right fit for me.

Cherry Riley

I'm glad they will all be in one place. I'm sorry people are belittling Oliver. Those people are jerks. Hopefully things will workout better now.


I never wanted to move my adult mods in the first place. After re-reading the tos and learning things from other creators... my only option is to lock them behind a tier here on patreon. The issue it seems prior was this person was very upset about my creative writing lol .... guess they're homophobic? Anyway, yea Hopefully this works out better this time.

Cherry Riley

Goodness. If they didnt like it then they should have moved on and found something they did like instead of throwing a fit about it. Im sorry


Hope, do you need subscribers stay on Subscribestar until you get to $150 then leave so you can close?


I sent their support team an email about that. Their rules on leaving and payouts are absurd unless your actually making a lot of income - which I was not. We'll see what happens.


I say do it, but not public. So only your fans see it.


I like NSFW tier... bring them back here =)