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Soooo I've told some, but the job I picked up is at Amazon working in a warehouse. We are in peak season until Christmas, meaning there's a lot more coming in each day. I'm now working 6 days a week instead of 4 (60 hours). If you're wondering, the job is literally 100% on your feet and moving all the time. On average, I take around 40,000 steps each shift. Needless to say, I'm exhausted when I get home and I don't just get to sleep, as I still have home obligations. 

I do have The Mad Scientist content ready for December. As for suggestions, commissions, rewards, and everything else, please be patient. I want to work on all of it, but there are only so many hours in a day. As it is, I'm only sleeping about 4-5 hours a day normally. After Christmas, things die down (I think) so please be patient with me this month!


Mr. Phoenyxx

Focus on your job, getting rest, and staying healthy! That is what is most important! :) Also, Happy Holidays! :D


Please take care Phoenix. And stay healthy.