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This is my response to a what-if supplied by :iconwolfman-al: in this deviation: https://www.deviantart.com/wolfman-al/art/Small-Gods-856650021

Phoenix  stared at the three diminutive gods in disbelief. Sure, Egyptian times  were a distant memory, but never did she think this was the fate of a  forgotten god or goddess. "I believe in all three of you. After all,  you're standing right next to my soda. But, that's not going to be  enough for you three to return back to your previous stature."

Bastet shuffled her paw across the floor as she looked down. "At least, if you believe, we won't disappear."

"You're right though, we won't be anything more than we are without some kind of change," Sekhmet added.

Tapping  her finger against her chin, Phoenix was deep in thought. As an idea  struck her, she hit her hands on the table which made all three deities  topple over. "Oops! Sorry about that. I just had a thought. If you need  more believers, why not show yourselves in a more public area? Going to  individual people isn't going to garner any real attention."

Anubis  looked almost shocked. "That is far more help than we could possibly  ask for. Besides, what are we supposed to do? Climb into a shoe-box and  have you run around and open it? No one would believe we were the same  deities from the ancient times."

All four were  silent for several seconds before Sekhmet cleared her throat, tail  swinging ever so slightly behind her. "What if you could show the world  our forms to the world... as a vessel?"

Raising  her eyebrow, Phoenix tilted her head. "You mean, like, dress up as you?  Wear a costume? I don't think a costume would get the point across."

Bastet took a few steps forward, looking up into Phoenix's eyes. "Are you very certain you want to help us be known again?"

Bending  down so that she was eye-level with the deities, Phoenix nodded, her  face mere inches from them. "Well of course! History is important to  retain and remember. Whatever I can do to help you, I'll do!"

The  three deities ran to Phoenix with their arms outstretched. Assuming it  was for a hug, she closed her eyes and stayed put, ready for the embrace  of three little doll-like deities. That feeling never came though. When  she opened her eyes, the three deities had vanished. Upon standing,  Phoenix found her shoes painfully tight. In fact, all of her clothing  was tight. As she poured a glass of water for herself, a sudden shot of  electricity pin-balled within her body making her drop the glass. Her  shoes exploded off her feet revealing thick paws. The growing crept up  her body, tearing her jeans at the calves, then thighs. She couldn't  even speak as her stomach muscles tightened while the sleeves of her  t-shirt tore open. Padding to a mirror, Phoenix arrived just in time to  see hair growing out from everywhere, covering her in what looked like  the fur of a lion. "Was this what you meant by being a vessel?"

Phoenix's  eyes widened at the sound of her voice. It was still hers, but seemed  almost ethereal at the same time. As she looked at herself in the  mirror, something new was happening. Her chest, a healthy D-cup, pushed  out the remains of her t-shirt, straining it to the point the shirt was  nearly see-through. Phoenix cooed as the waistband of her jeans, which  held up after the muscle growth, gave way to her widening hips and  backside. Her spine extended, forming a long cat's tail and covering in  the same shade of fur as the rest of her body possessed. Phoenix's  fingers shortened and thickened, resembling cat's paws while her nails  sharpened. Gasping softly, Phoenix stared at her reflection. She was a  furry, buxom, muscled...lioness? Feline? She wasn't sure, but at this  point, all that remained of Phoenix was her face and hair. Within her  mind, a female voice resonated. "We cannot express enough how grateful  we are for this Phoenix. Your life force is giving us more strength,  making this possible."

"I said I'd help any way I could. This wasn't what I had in mind, but if it helps the three of you, I'm all for oooOOHHH!"

Her  outfit, or what was left of it, had reformed into something more in  line with the deities that were within her now. It looked... right,  somehow. As though this was exactly the kind of attire a body like this  should be wearing. Phoenix opened her mouth to speak, only to have her  tongue loll out and extend several inches further than it should. While  her body was covered in golden fur, her facial fur turned jet black as  she watched her nose and mouth push out into a canine muzzle. In her  mind, she could hear Sekhmet and Bastet both berating Anubis for  something, but it wasn't clear what, until Phoenix felt a pushing  between her legs. Sure enough, the undergarment covering her feminine  area bulged out to the point where it was unmistakable. As the last  transformation ended, a golden Phoenix appeared around her left eye and  the buzzing Phoenix had felt within her body ever since the first  change, stopped.

While exploring her fur, and body a bit, she could hear a thumping sounds, followed by Anubis shouting. "What was that for?"

"You  know full well! She was already being super generous in doing this for  us and you just HAD to put your man-spin on it, didn't you?"

"Yeah! How's she supposed to demonstrate my gift of fertility when she's got that thing?!"

"Relax, both of you. She can switch back and forth as she pleases! She's keeping my face though."

Sekhmet chortled. "At least she wears it better than you do."

"Hey! That's a low blow! How dare you speak to the God of the Underworld like that?!"

Phoenix cleared her throat and spoke again. "It's okay, all of you. Please settle down."

Instantly,  all three stopped bickering. Phoenix continued. "I'm certain this isn't  the most desirable situation for the three of you, having to share a  single vessel, but I am not going to have a fight going on in my head  constantly. That isn't going to give you back your stature. Now, shall  we begin to spread the lore of the deities Sekhmet, Bastet, and Anubis  to the world?"

"Of course Phoenix. My apologies," Bastet said in a somber tone.

"Thank you again for this Phoenix. We will behave," Sekhmet added.

"Why'd you have to say my name last? I *smack* I mean, yes Phoenix, let's go," Anubis said while rubbing the back of his head.



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