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I awoke the next morning still on the couch. My hands had returned to normal, losing their thickness and my backside was about half of what it was the previous night. Granted, it was still big, but at least I wouldn’t get stuck in doorways any longer. The udder however, was just as large and tight as I’d ever felt. With dexterity in my fingers again, I did the only thing I could think to do. Waddling with the engorged appendage swinging between my legs, I turned on the shower and milked myself. Listen, this part is just between us… but it felt really good. Like, I had to sit down in the tub for fear that my knees would buckle. As the milk came out, the udder shrank until it disappeared back into my body. Finally, I was free of that thing! Standing back up, I quickly washed myself and got out. Wrapping a towel around me, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled faintly. My body was back. No cows’ ears, no wide hips, and no massive tongue!

Opening the fridge, I lowered my head and sighed. Between work, karaoke, and the expansions, I hadn’t gone grocery shopping at all. As much as I’d rather have stayed in my apartment all day, the thought of eating week-old pizza didn’t sound appealing. Dropping my towel in the kitchen, I made my way to the closet and surveyed my options. Rather than donning my normal attire, I opted for a loose sundress and sandals. I didn’t want to be wearing something tight if I were to experience another change. Looking back now, I’m glad I did, but we’ll get to that.

The grocery store was within walking distance and, honestly, now that I was free from the udder, I wanted to stretch my legs a little bit. The weather was a bit chilly for a sundress, but I didn’t mind in the least. Arriving at the store only ten minutes later (I walk fast… server habit), I grab a cart and start pushing it around. Thanks to last night’s tips, I could afford to get a bit more than normal and found myself looking down each aisle for anything that looked good. The heat must have kicked on in the store or something I thought, as I was starting to heat up a little, even though the sundress provided ample breeze. To combat it, I stopped in the frozen food aisle and opened a door, pretending to be looking for something while idly tapping my foot on the floor. Imagine my surprise when the faint tapping my foot was making turned into more of a clicking sound. Looking down, I fell back a few steps in shock. My nails looked like they hadn’t been clipped in months! The nails were so long in fact, that they curled around my toes. That’s what the clicking sound was! Okay, no big deal. It’s not a major thing. No one will notice.

That might have been true if my toes didn’t elongate and thin, losing a digit while another seemingly turned around toward my heel. Kicking off my sandals, I could only stand there, slack-jawed, as my feet continued to change shape, becoming larger and turning orange-ish in hue. The shape was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Either way, it was time to get the heck out of here. Of course, I was in the very back of the store. Murphy’s Law, am I right? The clicking was so loud on the linoleum floor but what else could I do? As I walked, a new discomfort started and, once again, it was around my panty line. Have you ever worn adult diapers? If so, you’ll understand the feeling. It was like something was pushing my panties away from my skin, but in a uniform fashion. The dress was long enough to hide whatever was happening, but it wasn’t flowing around me as much as before either. Part of me wanted to go to the bathroom to see, but I had a feeling I shouldn’t waste any more time. The problem? I’d only gone about ten feet thus far.

Turning a corner in the store, my knees snapped backward oddly. Understand that I am not double-jointed so the initial shock of it happening stopped me in my tracks. Tracks… heh, with the feet I have now, I would be making tracks if in a dirt field. Walking was now an adventure, but one aided by the shopping cart. Thus far, no one had really looked my way. Thank god for people living in their own personal bubbles! So I have chicken feet and legs now. A thought of horror crossed my mind. What if I turned fully into a chicken? They’d catch me and turn me into a rotisserie dinner! My fears weren’t helped when I felt a tingle run down my spine and then around to my belly. Pressing my hand against my stomach, it felt really tight, then beyond tight as my fingers spread. My belly was growing! Now it was time to move fast. I practically sprinted to the checkout stand click-clacking all the way there. I sighed in relief as only two people were in front of me. All I needed to do was keep my cool for about five minutes, and everything would be fine. Then, I hear a kid behind me squeal with delight and tell his mom there’s a chicken woman in front of them. To confirm this, he ran up behind me and pulled on a tail feather, which made me do something I wouldn’t have thought I’d ever do.


Now everyone is staring at me. The kid is crying. The mom is pissed. Meanwhile my butt hurts where the feather was pulled out from and now, my belly is noticeably distended… and still growing larger. I try to laugh it off and pretend that I was just in character. A few shrugged and turned away. The kid, now curious, creeps up behind me again and pulls another feather. The bwak was even louder and now the kid is pointing and saying that it’s real. I’m staring daggers at the old lady in front of me in line that is counting out change. My panties are suffocating me at this point as feathers continue to push out of my skin under my dress and down my thighs. I want to just abandon my cart and leave but where can I go? I’m in the checkout lane standing next to candies and magazines with a bunch of people behind me!

When my belly passes the “I’m ready to pop” mark, my eyes widen. My belly doesn’t feel round at all. It’s as though there are rocks inside me. But they aren’t rocks. Feeling movement in my belly, my body instinctively squats down. With nowhere for the feathers to go and my panties already on the verge, I hear them rip. Two pairs in two days. Pressure forms and my body is telling me to push. Please tell me I’m not doing this right now. In the name of all that is holy, tell me everything is going to freeze and I’ll just have to waddle home.


Yep. That was an egg hitting the ground. I just laid a freaking egg in a grocery store in front of at least thirty people. Standing up, I try to leave and thankfully, the old lady moves out of the way. My eyes roll back as my belly continues to expand, increasing the clutch of eggs inside. I’m never going to make it home like this. Do you have any clue how hard it is to waddle on chicken feet? I bet not. Another egg falls out and once again, I bwak just like a chicken. Isn’t it humiliating enough to make me lay eggs? Why does there have to be a freaking sound effect as well?! Holding my belly, I get outside and look down the street. The diner is only about a half-mile from here whereas my home is a little over a mile. Shrugging, I start to the diner. I mean, they already saw me with an udder and at least I’d be around people I know.

Walking was such a chore let me tell you. While walking, the desire to lay the egg isn’t as great. That however means that more eggs were building up inside me. That, of course, meant my pace was slowing by the minute. By the time I got to the diner, my poor sundress wasn’t covering a single thing. The feathers at least kept me modest but the dress itself was hiked up to my chest. The owner of the diner stared at me for several awkward seconds before breaking the silence. “So uh, I see you got rid of the udder Leslie.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, and laugh, and laugh. I laughed so hard; four eggs shot out of me causing my laughter to be mixed with bwaks. When I finally stopped laughing, I asked him if he’d like to not have to order eggs for the next little while. He inspected the broken eggs on the ground and deduced they looked like normal eggs. Helping me to the back, the owner, and a few other employees assembled, well, a nest. Cheeky little bastards. Waddling to it, I plopped down, immediately thankful to be off my feet. I apologized to them, because I knew I was going to be loud for a while. Once they left, I pushed hard and began laying many, many, MANY eggs. Seriously, I lost count at three hundred. My belly wouldn’t get smaller, no matter how many eggs I pushed out but I did learn that it would be larger if I stopped pushing. Between stopping to rest, and to eat here and there, my belly ended up large enough to rest on the floor in front of my splayed chicken legs. The only way I could sit was to push my backside out, making my tail more visible, and lean forward, resting my upper torso and hands on my egg-laden belly. 

The boss came back a few hours later when the diner was closing. I think he was going to tell me I had to go home but after seeing how large I was, he stammered a bit and offered to let me stay in the diner overnight. He lived above the diner in an apartment with his wife and would come down to get the eggs out from under me. It was so embarrassing, but I had to accept his offer. I wasn’t going to be walking anytime soon anyway. True to his word, either he, or his wife, came down every couple of hours to check on me. I was so tired and wanted to sleep, but didn’t want to risk growing again either.

This sucks!



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