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“Didn’t you say the shop was down by the waterfront Kev?”

Now Tuesday night, Kevin’s lower body had reverted back to its normal male proportion, though it had taken the majority of the day before the bulbous backside and massive hips shrunk down. When Rachael got off work, Kevin met her in the city and they walked toward the place he had remembered Phoenix’s shop being. “Yeah I think so. I got a bit twisted around that night but I remember seeing it after the warehouses.”

A few blocks later, Kevin grinned as he saw the sign for the shop. “There it is! Hopefully it’s open. I never really checked the hours, but she was open super late the night I found her. Just be advised, she could look like anything when we walk in. She changed several times the night I found the place.”

Pulling on the door, a little bell rang as Kevin held the door open for Rachael. The shop looked much the same as when Kevin had been there, though there were a few new displays. In fact, he was certain that one of the mannequin’s eyes had moved. “Welcome back, Kevin. I see you’ve brought a friend?”

Rachael turned and nearly fell over. A tall, red-haired cat-like creature was staring down at her, smiling and showing off her fangs. The creature’s hands and feet were massive, and a thin layer of red fur covered her body. Although sleek in appearance almost everywhere, the cat girl sported a belly large enough to be carrying at least four or five children. Rachael backed up, falling into a display and landing on her backside. Laughing, Phoenix took a few steps forward and extended a large paw. “You okay darlin’? You don’t have to be scared. I don’t bite
 at least, not until I’ve gotten to know you.”

Giggling, Phoenix helped Rachael to her feet before sitting down on a bench, caressing her massive belly. “So Kevin, what can I do for you today? Did you have any issues with the lingerie?”

For a moment, Kevin acted as though Phoenix had just told a secret, but she was quick to giggle. “Don’t worry Kevin, had you not told Rachael about the lingerie, you would have never found my shop today. Now, back to my original question. What can I help you with?”

“Well, Rachael is an old friend of mine. We went to college together and happened to meet back up when I was wearing the lingerie. I kind of had to show her what the lingerie does, or else she was going to call the police.”

Giggling, Phoenix winked. “Forgot to take cash out when you went shopping? That will get you buried every single time!”

Kevin blushed and nodded. “I got too excited and completely forgot to. Anyway, after Rachael saw what the lingerie was capable of

“...she wanted to see about something for herself. I totally understand! I’m sure you’ve tried some other forms besides the one you had when you left my store last time?”

“I did, and each one was a new experience. I’d love it if Rachael could possibly enjoy the same feelings. Do you have anything that would accomplish that goal?”

The cat girl laughed while cradling her belly and standing up. “With a store this size? You know I’ve got something! Hang on for just a moment. Go on back to the fitting room area. Oh, and Kevin, go ahead and get your set out. I know you brought it with you.”

The two walked towards the back while Phoenix moved towards the intimates’ aisle of the shop. Rachael leaned over as they walked. “I never told her my name. How did she know?”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Phoenix, it’s that she is full of surprises! I can’t wait to see what she’s got for you.”

The wait wasn’t long, as Phoenix waddled back to the fitting area with what appeared to be the exact same lingerie she had given Kevin. “Here you go Rachael. This set works exactly the way Kevin’s does. The only difference between the two is that this set is made for a female who wants to change their body in a feminine way. In other words, it won’t turn you into a man. Go ahead and give it a try! I’ve also got a large assortment of regular, non-magical clothes for sale here in all shapes and sizes. I’ll leave you two to think about what you’d like to do. Just holler at me when you’re ready! I’m going to go have lunch. That tuna has been calling my name for an hour now.”

Waddling away quickly, Phoenix’s fluffy red tail swayed back and forth as she disappeared from view. “So Rachael, what are you thinking we should do? You want to try the same thing as each other? Or maybe two different body types?”

“Well I really want to try something, but it’s going to sound so stupid.”

Kevin put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about it sounding silly. Remember, we can do whatever we want! Plus, this is the perfect place to try things out. Phoenix has so many different outfits! I’m sure she can outfit us no matter what you come up with!”

Sighing, Rachael looked down, as though searching for her courage and then looked into Kevin’s eyes. “So you know I lost a bunch of weight right? Well I might have lost it, but I swear to you my stomach still thinks I’m as large as I was in college. I’m always hungry! I’ve wanted to walk into a buffet and just pig out, but I didn’t want to get weird looks, nor did I want to start gaining weight after all the work I put in. If I was bigger though, it wouldn’t look weird to pig out, right?”

 you want to make yourself larger?”

“Just forget what I said. I don’t know w-...”

“That sounds like fun! You know if we were larger, people wouldn’t really bother us either. When I first went out as Katrina, it felt so strange to have guys eyeing me everywhere I went. If we were bigger, we wouldn’t have to deal with that!”

“So you’d be okay with trying this? It’s not exactly the most flattering body type you know

“Hey, did you forget that I really, really liked you back in college? You weren’t skinny back then. Besides, I think it would be a great dinner date! We could stuff ourselves with all the sweets and fatty foods we wanted to without any issues!”

Rachael leapt forward hugging Kevin. “You know Kev, if I had any interest in men back then, I would have totally dated you. Well, let’s get to it then!”

The two moved to a dressing room but Kevin stopped short. “Hey Rach? One piece of advice? Make sure when you think of your body that you include some muscle underneath. There’s no reason for us to have to suffer any of the ill-effects that come along with weight.”

“Great idea Kevin! I’ll remember. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!”

Kevin closed the door to the dressing room and stripped off his clothing. Holding the lingerie in his hands, Kevin closed his eyes, picturing the kind of woman he wanted to turn into. “Okay, here goes nothing.”

Slipping the bra and panty set on, Kevin closed his eyes, focusing hard on the body type he desired. Upon opening his eyes, he stared into the mirror as his body begin its transformation. The cups of the lingerie began to fill out, though rather than perky, Barbie-like breasts, these were very natural, and very heavy. Opting for a look much like Rachael had, though a little heavier and with Katrina’s facial features, Kevin had to arch his back while his chest pushed out to a heavy F-cup. Using his hands, Kevin held them up for extra support only to find his arms and hands were thickening at a rapid pace. Even his fingers, which were always skinny, fattened into little sausages. Looking at his face, he could see his cheeks fattening while his face began rounding out. Now staring at a double chin, Kevin was just about to sit down when the muscles in his back strengthened, giving him support. That muscle was quickly covered up with a thick layer of fat though. “This is crazy looking. The next part must be on its way.”

It was rather comical at this moment. From the waist down, Kevin was his normal skinny, scrawny self. Starting at the chest however, he was most assuredly, an obese female. Rather than start at the stomach, Kevin looked down and noticed his feet becoming shorter and thicker while his legs first bulged with muscle, then flared out with several layers of fat. The next change nearly knocked him over as his hips and backside bulged quickly and widened, while the bulge in front of the panties disappeared. Nearly complete, Katrina watched as her midsection began to balloon out, thickening as it went. Her belly hung over the panties by an inch or two and was very squishy. With a final tingle, Katrina’s black hair turned chestnut and grew down to the middle of her back. “Hey Rachael? Are you done?”

“Uh-huh. I can’t believe this is me!”

Kevin stepped out and gasped. Standing in front of him was an Asian woman. She was maybe five feet tall at best and rivaled Katrina’s large body in every way, even surpassing it in the chest department. “I figured it would be best to not look at all like myself since we are going to stay in town. You don’t mind that, do you?”

“Not at all! Wow you even sound Asian. It’s really cute!”

Rachael blushed and gave Katrina another hug. This time however, the hug was far warmer and softer, as she nuzzled softly against Katrina’s neck. “Why don’t we find something to wear and get out of here?”

Katrina called Phoenix over and grinned as the heavily gravid cat girl came into view. “My goodness! That wasn’t what I was expecting at all but you two sure look happy! Now then, let’s get you two some clothing!”

Phoenix led the way to a section that seemed to only have outfits that would fit Katrina and Rachael’s respective bodies. Before she left, Rachael whispered something in her ear. Nodding quietly, Phoenix winked and left them, going to another area of the shop and picking a few items off a rack. “Rachael, this feels so strange. I mean, it’s not bad, but there’s so much jiggling that goes on with every step.”

“Tell me about it! In college you remember how I was always hot? I wore tight spandex under my clothing just to try and stop myself from looking like a jelly mold every time I took a step. Now though, I don’t even care! Geez, I wish I’d known about this place back in college though. The clothing selection is amazing!”

They both picked out a nice, simple outfit, mainly because they likely would never wear it again and ran, or waddled, back to the fitting room. Once dressed, they made their way to the front counter. “We’ll take these Phoenix. How much?”

Rachael quickly answered before Phoenix could say a word. “Don’t even worry about it! I’ve got this one. You were cool enough to indulge me on this desire of mine. If it will make you feel better, how about you buy dinner?”

Phoenix ran Rachael’s card and walked around the counter towards the door. As she walked, the cat features disappeared with each step. She shrank in height until she was no more than five feet tall, though her belly was just as large as before. “Okay you two, have fun! If you need me, you know where to find me!”

Still amazed by the transformation, Rachael had to be led out of the shop by Katrina. “Are you ready Kat?! I’ve been wanting to do this for five years! Come on!”

Granted, they had both added muscle under the fat, but even still, the speed in which Rachael was moving didn’t last very long as she wasn’t used to the extra weight any longer. Slowing to a walk, the two talked and laughed on the way to an all you can eat seafood restaurant. “Sparing no expense on this one I see, Rach?”

“Psssh, if you knew how much the trip to Phoenix’s was, you wouldn’t be complaining!”

Katrina laughed, snorting as she inhaled. “Kidding of course! I’d buy you two dinners if they asked.”

Rachael grinned. “By the time I’m through with this place, they just might ask you to do that!”

Settling on a table instead of a booth, Katrina and Rachael sat down just long enough to get their drink order taken. Kat was a bit shocked at how quickly Rachael stood up but followed her to the buffet where she helped Rachael fill up plates. Granted, Katrina was hungry as well but this was something Rachael had been wanting for a long time. There would be plenty of food remaining. Filling four plates, they moved back to the table where Rachael dug in with both hands. Katrina went back up to fix a couple of plates for herself. By the time she returned, Rachael had already finished two of the four. “Don’t judge me Kat. You have no idea what it’s like to have the appetite of a two hundred forty-pound woman and have to eat like a one hundred twenty-pound woman!”

“Hey, I’m not going to judge at all. I told you I liked being a woman and you didn’t judge me. What kind of person would I be if I judged you on a meal?”

With a big grin, Rachael stuffed an egg roll into her mouth. While chewing, she was peeling shrimp. Katrina started in on her own meal, finding her appetite was much greater than normal as well. Heck, she knew this was a short-term body so why not eat as much as humanly possible! Both ate and ate until they literally, could not fit another bite into their mouths. Rachael sighed happily while patting her belly. “I must have eaten ten pounds worth of food and you know what? I’d do it again if I could manage it!”

“I’d say the same thing, but I feel like I ate a whale and I’m not sure I’d want to stuff myself that much again! Still, I’m glad you got to do this. Now, how exactly are we going to get back home. Please don’t say we are walking.”

Giggling, Rachael shook her head. “Uber. You pay.”

When they returned home, both changed out of the lingerie and put the large outfits back on without undergarments. When they both sat on the couch at the same time, they heard a creaking sound, but just laughed together. “This old couch needs to go anyway! If it breaks, no problem at all. So, now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, what are you thinking for the next time?”

A sly grin spread across Rachael’s face. “Well, we both have work for the next few days but, I have a great idea for Friday night.”

“Oh yeah? Any hints?”

 just one. We are going to make everyone stop and stare when we walk by!”

Katrina laughed. “Well, that narrowed it down
 no, no it didn’t at all.”

“I’ll give you another hint. You’ve sort of done something like it before, but then again, you really didn’t. Oh and we are totally going to do it together!”

Katrina blushed furiously. “Do... it?

Rachael giggled, seeing Katrina’s face so red. “You’ll see, and it’s going to be a blast!” 



It is hard to find chapters 1-4 of this story.


That's ok. I found them.