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Sitting in the waiting room, Shane Tanner looked over the brochure for the thirteenth time. ‘Tired of being weak and gangly? Want to maximize your body to its full potential? Patients for clinical trials are being accepted today!’ At five feet six inches and a paltry one hundred twenty-nine pounds, Shane had visions of being taller, more athletic, with strong muscles and a jaw-dropping disposition. The most athletic he had been was in high school, when the cross-country coach noticed Shane’s long legs and thought he would make a wonderful long distance runner. That was the worst five months of Shane’s life, as he had to train relentlessly, which wasn’t something he was all that keen on doing. The only reason Shane did it was because he thought being an athlete might attract the attention of some of the girls in school. The only notoriety gotten from months of training and more pain than he’d ever experienced, was a picture in the yearbook of him falling into a very large mud puddle during a competition. “Mr. Tanner? The nurse will be ready in a few minutes. Would you please fill out this intake form? That way we can get you started right away.”

Standing up, the gangly twenty-four year old walked awkwardly to the counter. His long legs made every step seem a bit odd, but with this new drug, his days of awkwardness were going to be over soon! In an effort to get the paperwork done as quickly as possible, Shane sped through the paperwork, barely bothering to read any of it. The questions were your typical medical mumbo-jumbo, the kind of stuff you always have to fill out. Shane eagerly handed the intake form back to the receptionist, who smiled and walked the clipboard back to a room, handing it to a lab technician. When the receptionist came back out, Shane was sitting in a chair, bouncing his leg up and down excitedly while pretending to read a magazine. “Tanner? Shane Tanner? Is that you sir?”

The voice was not that of the receptionist. Looking up, Shane’s mouth dropped open. Standing in the doorway was a short, thin woman in a nurse’s uniform. Her skin was flawless and light in hue. Though thin in nature, her curves were anything but. Shane’s attention shifted between many areas. The deep emerald green eyes this woman possessed were something Shane could get lost in. Her uniform hugged a chest and backside that seemed far larger than her frame should allow. Lastly, two small, but noticeable cat ears atop her head. “Yes, I’m Shane. Is there some kind of costume party going on today?”

“Costume party? I don’t know what you’re referring to Mr. Tanner.”

As the woman turned, her ears twitched while Shane’s eyes focused downwards to the nurse’s backside, which was covered by her long, fluffy, white tail. As she spoke, her full lips pursed in a way that made Shane walk even more awkwardly, as it was oozing sensuality. “Please Mr. Tanner, follow me. There are a few additional tests and questions I must ask before we can begin the treatment. Oh! Forgive me please. My name is Vagabond but please, call me kitty!”

“Kitty? That’s an
 interesting nickname. Where did you get that name?”

“Nickname? Oh! Miss calls me that and since she does, I just started going by that. But since this is a professional office, I always make sure to give my proper name. Just a little further Mr. Tanner.”

Her voice, combined with the sway of her hips and tail were enough for Shane to go pale, as the blood in his body was rushing somewhere else completely. Turning into a room, Vagabond extended her hand, offering Shane a seat. He sat quickly, crossing his long legs to hide the bulge between his legs. Sitting on the rolling chair in the room, Vagabond grabbed a stethoscope, putting it into her cat ears while holding the round end against Shane’s chest. “Mr. Tanner? Your heart seems to be palpitating. Are you feeling okay?”

Shane’s face could not be any redder. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m just, you know, really excited for this clinical trial. Are you familiar with how this all works?”

Tilting her head, the cat girl pursed her lips. “You mean personally? No, no. I just wanted a golf lesson is all! But I do know all about what the drug will do! What would you like to know?”

Momentarily confused by the golf lesson remark, Shane quickly got back to the subject at hand. “So tell me. How long does the drug take to work? What should I expect?”

With a giggle, Vagabond pulled out a piece of paper attached to a clipboard. “Well, the drug is rather fast acting. The first twenty-four hours are the most difficult. In that time, your body is going to feel like a ton of bricks. We advise that after your shot, you leave immediately and eat as much food as you possibly can. A growing body needs lots of energy after all. Even if you feel full, you should keep eating as much as you can. Also, find the most comfortable spot you can at home. Most people choose their bed. After the first twenty-four hours, your body will acclimate to the changes, allowing you to move easier. I trust you have purchased new clothing?”

It took Shane a solid ten seconds before snapping out of the trace Vagabond’s voice had put him in. “Y-yeah I did. So, are there any other side effects I should be worried about miss?”

Vagabond’s ears perked up and she spun around quickly. “Miss?! She’s here?! Where?”

More confused than ever, Shane watched as Vagabond looked around for a few seconds before her perked ears folded back. “Sorry about that Mr. Tanner. I thought you were talking about someone else. Please, call me kitty. As far as side effects, the only reported side effects were heightened arousal in the first week and slight foot growth. Granted, your feet would grow anyway along with your body, but those that have tested the drug found their respective foot size was a size or two larger than their body proportionally. Though most would say the arousal wasn’t a negative effect and slightly larger feet were a small price to pay for the end result! Any other questions?”

“Yes, only one. When can we start?”

Jumping up quickly, Vagabond’s breasts jiggled in her tight-fitting top. “We can start in just a moment! I just need to go and get the formula we’ve designed for you!”

With Shane giddy with excitement, the nurse left the room. She returned a few minutes later with a syringe. “I’m back! Now if you would kindly drop your pants

“WHAT?! I mean

“There tends to be some soreness in the area injected. Studies have shown that the backside is the best place to administer the injection.  If you’re bashful, you only need to bare a cheek.”

She giggled the cutest, sexiest giggle Shane had ever heard. Nodding, he did as she asked, though his pants stopped short not because he was bashful, but because they got stuck on a certain part of his body. The needle plunged in without any pain at all. Quickly buttoning his pants and tightening his belt, Shane kept his back to the cat girl while trying to hide his erection. “Now Mr. Tanner, you have approximately four hours before the drug will begin. When it does, you will likely find yourself quite incapacitated. I suggest getting a move on and please, call us if you experience any kind of issues.”

Shane could not get out of the room fast enough. If what the bombshell of a nurse said was true, he needed to eat, and eat a lot, then get home. Stopping at the local fast food joint, Shane ordered over fifty dollars’ worth of food off their value menu. In his mind, whatever he couldn’t eat now would be able to be reheated later on. Speeding home, Shane tossed his keys on the table and began indulging. Pigging out as best as he could, Shane barely made a dent in the mountain of food before his stomach groaned, resisting the next hamburger. 

Looking at the clock, it had been a little over three hours since the injection. Knowing he would soon succumb to the heaviness, Shane jumped in the shower, certain he would end up rather foul smelling once the transition period was over. After toweling off, Shane’s body started feeling sore all over. Moving much slower, Shane pulled the bag of clothing he had purchased for the transition. The sweatpants were three sizes larger than his normal pants. Pulling an extra-large t-shirt over his head, Shane tossed the medium shirt previously worn into the dirty clothes hamper. Sliding into his bed, Shane turned on the television with the bags of food in the bed next to him.

The nurse wasn’t kidding went she said the drug would hit him hard. He felt as though his body weight a thousand pounds! Just moving his arm to find the remote, or another hamburger, caused Shane to sweat due to the effort. After an hour, the discomfort seemed to centralize around his waist, hips, and groin. As much as Shane wanted to look, raising his head was out of the question given how heavy his body felt. Eventually, fatigue got the better of him and his eyelids closed. Shane drifted off to sleep, thoughts of the strong, powerful body he would soon be in running through his mind.

The next twenty hours were extremely odd for Shane. While there was never any real pain, his insides felt as though it was in knots all the way from his toes to the ends of his hair. Shane would wake up only to eat, barely opening his eyes in the process. Had Shane been more alert, he would have noticed the outline of his body under the covers was no larger than it was the previous day. By two in the afternoon, twenty-four hours after the injection, Shane felt his body beginning to lighten. His excitement built with each ounce of strength he could feel returning to him. Finally, he was going to have the body that women would really take notice of! By two thirty, Shane felt strong enough to stand. With his eyes still closed, Shane swung his legs out of the bed and stood up. Knowing he was in front of the mirrored closet door, Shane opened his eyes with a huge smile on his face. That smile faded quickly looking in the mirror.

The body he was staring at was absolutely nothing like what he was promised. Standing in place, Shane felt his legs shake a bit and the massive sweatpants fell directly to the ground. Stepping out of them, Shane screamed, the pitch of it far higher than it should have been. He still was the same height, but the little bit of excess weight on his body had been redistributed. Bringing a smaller hand to his face, Shane peered at his reflection. It was still him, but with a feminine face. The shoulder length black hair was similar, but a bit fuller in appearance. As for his body, Shane’s hands lifted the now ridiculously massive shirt over his head. Now standing in only a loose pair of underwear, Shane gasped, seeing two very small, but apparent breasts where his chiseled pecs should have been. With a fearful look, a hand traveled down, sliding inside the underwear. The scream increased threefold. 

Running to his phone, Shane dialed the clinic, praying that someone would be there. “Good afternoon, Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, how may I help you?”

“This is Shane Tanner. Something’s gone really wrong with the treatment. Can I please come in today? It’s urgent!”

“My goodness, you sound quite a bit different. Please, hurry to the clinic and I’ll make sure someone will be here to examine you.” 

Hanging up, Shane got dressed, finding his old clothes fit, but not as well as they did before. The jeans were looser around the waist but tighter around his hips. As for the t-shirt, it fit snugly around his chest but very loose in the stomach area. The odd fitting clothing didn’t stop there either, as his shoes were extremely tight
 almost too tight. Rather than cram his feet into tennis shoes, Shane put on a pair of sandals. Catching his reflection in the mirror, Shane did a double take. Wiggling his toes, he couldn’t help but think the reflection staring back at him wasn’t really all that bad. In fact, if he didn’t know better, Shane would think he was exactly how his sister would look, if he had one.

At the clinic, Shane had to wait for a half an hour, as there was another patient already in the office. When the receptionist opened the door to escort the patient out, Shane stood up. A man in his early thirties walked through the door. He looked to be well over six feet tall and very good looking. Shane’s breath became heavy as the man walked to the exit. For a moment, their eyes met and the man smiled. Shane’s cheeks flushed red as a strange sensation washed over his body. The man exited the clinic leaving Shane staring at the closing door. “Mr
 Ms??? Tanner? Ummm
 Shane? Shane?”

Breaking out of his trance, Shane shook his head and turned to the receptionist. “Sorry about that. Yes, I’m Shane Tanner. As you can see, something has gone very wrong here.”

“Please try to remain calm. The administering nurse is not here so I called the project founder. She will be able to examine you and see what’s happened. Please, follow me.”

The woman turned and walked to the clinic door. While Shane followed, he found himself staring at her backside and those familiar feelings returned, just not as strong as when the man walked through. Rather than go all the way down the hallway, the receptionist knocked on the first door seen. From inside, Shane heard a voice telling them to come in. The woman opened the door and allowed Shane to enter. “Mr. Tanner? Please come in.”

The woman inside stood up, straightening out her skirt as she stood. As Shane walked in, the woman walked around the desk, extending a hand to shake his own. Several things rushed through his mind all at the same time. This woman was taller than any woman he’d ever seen in real life. Assuming he was still five feet, six inches tall, the woman had to be close to seven feet. In addition, her body was like something out of a teenage boy’s fantasy. Not only was she extremely voluptuous, but her body was very toned. The nails on her fingers were a deep red, and cut in a way that they looked more like claws. “Have a seat Mr. Tanner. My name is Phoenix Elayheim. What seems to be the problem?”

Shane waited until Phoenix sat back down at her desk before responding. “I think it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”

Looking at Shane’s file, Phoenix scoured the records while pursing her full, red lips. “Well I think I see the issue right here. On your intake form, you marked your sex as female. Therefore, when the drug was made for you, it was made based on the sex you chose.”

“That doesn’t make any sense! My name should have been a giveaway!”

“Ah, yes it normally would however, we protect the identity of our patients. The receptionist and nurse knew your name, but did not know anything about your specific treatment. Conversely, the lab technician knew about your treatment, but not your name. In other words, you were given the formula that a female would normally get.”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Shane’s hands tightened into fists. “I am the reason this happened? Please, tell me there is a way to fix myself. I didn’t sign up for this to turn into some kind of female version of myself!”

Phoenix put the file down and looked up, her paralyzing violet eyes staring into Shane’s. “There is a way to reverse this, however I cannot start on a reversal regimen until the initial formula has fully absorbed into your system. I am sorry Mr. Tanner, but you will have to live in this body until next week.”

“What am I supposed to do until then?”

“I would suggest you try your best to live as you normally would. Based on your before picture, you don’t look all that different from your male self. Your breasts are small enough that you should be able to bind them with bandages. It also appears your clothing still fits well enough, though it may be wise for you to buy some slightly looser clothing to hide the feminine curves. I’m sure you can speak in a bit lower of a tone. It won’t sound like you, but you could always say you have an illness. I’m sorry but until a week passes, there is nothing I can do for you.”

As unhappy as Shane was, he nodded and stood up. “If that’s the way it has to be, then screaming and yelling isn’t going to do any good. Besides, the paperwork doesn’t lie. I did mark female by mistake. I guess I should count my blessings though. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a body like yours, or the nurse, or even the receptionist.”

Laughing, Phoenix brought her shoulders back, her chest pushing out a bit more. “You get used to it. Believe me, I wasn’t ready for my growth spurt either. A year ago I was about your size.”

“You mean, something made you so tall, and strong, and
” Shane could feel his cheeks reddening. “...curvy?”

“Well yes. Women don’t naturally grow to seven feet tall and those that are taller generally don’t have the kind of assets I possess. Let’s call it collateral damage from the formulas that are offered at this clinic. Now, a word of advice Shane. I trust kitty told you about the side effects of the drug?”

Shane looked down at his feet for a moment, wiggling his toes. “Yeah, that’s why I’m wearing flip-flops. They grew a bit.”

“That’s not the side effect I meant. Have you felt any sexual urges since your transformation?”

The red in Shane’s face rivaled the ripest of tomatoes. The question was direct, and at the same time, Phoenix’s eyes remained affixed to his own, as though she had asked what his favorite number was or some other innocuous question. “Well, I mean, no more than normal I guess?”

“You guess? Mr. Tanner, you need to be honest with me. The reason I ask is rather important. You must stay away from the opposite sex during the week. If you would like to play around with women, that is fine. Do I make myself clear?”

It was getting very uncomfortable in the room. The matter of fact manner in which Phoenix spoke was odd, given the subject matter. Standing up quickly, he thanked Phoenix for her time and walked out of the office quickly, bypassing the receptionist who was trying to schedule a follow up appointment. Once fully out of the clinic, Shane exhaled and got into his car. Was she serious? To think about having sex with a guy? He was a guy! Well, of sorts anyway. At least he did get some decent advice from her, and headed to a clothing shop to buy a couple of looser tops and pants.

For several days, Shane had kept his arousal under control. Granted, he had to self-service more often than when he had male genitalia but overall, it wasn’t too bad. On the fourth day after the treatment, Shane felt he had full control over his body and, tired of eating Chinese food, which was delivered to his home, looked in his closet for something to wear. With a sheepish grin, he pulled out an outfit that he bought while getting some loose-fitting clothes, though this was not loose-fitting at all. His feminine body didn’t have the greatest curves, but the tight jeans and top hugged what little he did have. He’d only have this body for a few more days, why not have a little fun with it?

When Shane entered the restaurant, he was told that there would not be an open table for an hour, but that the bar was open and it had a full menu available. Sitting down, Shane observed his surroundings. It really was a different world, being considered female by everyone else. While not the greatest looking woman, Shane was still pretty enough to garner attention. The waitress returned with chips, salsa, water, and a glass of Chardonnay. “Oh Ma’am? I didn’t order the wine.”

“I know sweetie. The wine is compliments of the gentleman at the bar. “

Turning his head, Shane made eye contact with a pair of hazel eyes. About six feet tall, the man smiled and waved, before walking towards Shane. Dressed well, the man filled the business suit very, very well. “Hi there. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new to the area? My name is Darrell. Pleasure to meet you.”

The emotions running through Shane’s mind and body were running a million miles an hour. “I-It’s nice t-to meet you Darrell. I’m Shan...ia.”

The two talked over dinner with Shane feeling himself struggling to keep himself composed. Darrell seemed really nice, and wasn’t bad looking at all either. In fact, the longer he spoke, the hotter Shane’s body became. Lost in his own mind, Shane barely heard what Darrell was saying. Instead, the tone of his voice bore into Shane’s mind in a way he’d never felt before. It didn’t help that he had bought three more glasses of wine. “Shania? Shania? Are you okay? You look a little pale. Can I get you some water?”

Breathing heavily, Shane shook his head. “N-no I sh-should really get home. But it’s been wonderful talking with you! Sorry!”

Shane quickly left the restaurant hellbent on getting home as quickly as possible. Now dark out, Shane found himself a bit turned around due to the alcohol, and his severe arousal. Wandering around, he found himself in a part of town he’d normally never be in. Lost and confused, Shane entered a corner bar, which turned out to be a college hangout for the local university. There was some kind of fraternity night going and the bar was packed with dozens of men
 dozens of young, hot, muscular frat boys. Shane was about to turn when one of the highly inebriated men picked him up. “We got a new girl! Set her up!”

For the next few hours, Shane found himself in the depths of an insane party. There were keg stands, beer pong, and a ton of physical touching. Between the wine earlier, and the beer and shots Shane had taken during the party, he was more than inebriated
 he was smashed. The party carried over to a frat house near campus where Shane found himself dancing awkwardly on a tabletop amidst cheers and hollers of encouragement. After being helped down by a particularly good-looking man, Shane couldn’t stop himself any longer and planted a deep, sloppy kiss on the man. He wasn’t the only one either. Shane found himself kissing every man in the frat house. A bottle of tequila was passed to Shane, who took several gulps and danced with one of the men. “You know, Shania was it? You wanna go upstairs?”

It was the afternoon of the next day before Shane woke up. Looking around, he gasped, as the surroundings were completely foreign to him. Not only did he have no clue where he was, he found himself completely naked. Turning to the side, Shane fell out of the bed onto his butt at the sight of a man lying beside him, also devoid of clothing. The fall woke the man up, who stretched and stood up. “Morning hot stuff. You had a hell of a time last night, but I’m glad you came back to me to sleep with. Want a coffee? I’ll buy.”

Utterly confused, Shane stammered for several seconds while moving around the room, finding his top over the door, his underwear in the covers, and his bottoms between the door and the bed. “Listen I, I don’t know how I got here but
 hang on a second, what do you mean ‘came back’ here?”

The guy rubbed the back of his neck. “Well see, I brought you up here but you were so freaking horny. I couldn’t keep up so you left. I remember you walking out naked and hearing my buddy’s door open. Then I kinda passed out.”

Horrified, Shane ran to the next room only to find nearly the same story. As it turned out, Shane had gone to each room in the house in order to quell his arousal and ended up in the same room he had started in. Embarrassed beyond all recognition, Shane left the house and found his way back home. Once there, he took a very long shower and then sat down on the couch, wrapped in a towel. While his thoughts swirled, his stomach growled louder than he’d ever heard before.

Two hours, and two large pizzas later, Shane groaned and laid back on the couch. On a dare once in college, he’d eaten a large deep-dish pizza on his own and felt awful for three days afterwards. The fact that he had just devoured two large pizzas, along with a two liter of soda was shocking to say the least. Even more strange was how he felt. Unlike the misery he felt after the large pizza in college, this time he felt stuffed, but not miserable. The massive meal didn’t do anything to quash the guilt he felt for his actions the previous night. Phoenix had told him specifically not to have sex. Not only had he done the opposite, he’d gone way off the rails!

At work the next day, Shane stared at the number to Phoenix’s clinic, knowing he needed to get an appointment. The embarrassment of what he’d done would have to come up though. Obviously if Phoenix told him not to have sex, she would surely double-check. The thought had crossed his mind to simply lie and say no, but his mind kept circling back to her piercing, violet eyes. Those eyes
 he would never be able to look into them and lie. Besides, it wasn’t so bad being a woman. No one at his workplace had suspected anything so he could probably continue to disguise himself.

For a week or so, that plan worked just fine. Shane’s backside had gotten a bit larger, but it wasn’t anything Shane couldn’t hide. In fact, often he’d catch himself sticking it out while looking in the mirror. After two weeks however, his butt wasn’t the only thing starting to stick out. He’d developed a bit of a belly, no doubt because of his ridiculous appetite. The two pizza night wasn’t a one-time indulgence. Shane found himself ravenously hungry, and would eat four or five large meals every day. More than once, Shane had thought about giving the clinic a call about the hunger, but couldn’t bring himself to admit what he’d done.

A week after that, and four weeks since the injection, Shane found his belly had not gotten any smaller, despite trying to watch his food intake. It was easily the size of a volleyball and, on his body, stuck out a mile. The roundness of it gave Shane pause as well. It wasn’t possible he would be this pregnant, this fast, was it? Standing in front of the mirror, Shane rubbed his belly and gasped as he visibly saw it bulge out a bit. Turning to the side, Shane confirmed it wasn’t an illusion. Running to his phone, his fingers moved quickly. The receptionist told him to come down immediately.

Shane was led to Phoenix’s office though the tall redhead was not in the room yet. Sitting down, Shane scooted the chair forward. With how tall Phoenix was, her desk was also taller than normal which allowed him to scoot in enough to hide his belly.

“Welcome back Mr. Tanner. I expected to see you three weeks ago. What happened?”

Two sets of heels were heard as Phoenix walked through the door. Turning slightly, Shane gasped at the sight. Phoenix was dressed in a tight leather outfit, which was a huge contrast to the professional outfit. That was nothing compared to Vagabond. Rather than a tight nurses outfit, she donned a pair of stiletto sandals, along with beautiful purple silks. Brushing the Snow White hair off her shoulder, Shane noticed a collar around her neck, colored the same as her silks. “You’ll have to excuse our outfits Mr. Tanner. We were told to rush down here. Now would you kindly tell me what was so important, it couldn’t wait until Monday?”

Inhaling deeply, Shane pushed the chair back and stood up, his belly bare, having pushed his top up. “I don’t understand what’s happened, but I’ve gotten really, really fat in like, a month.”

The annoyance on Phoenix’s face shifted to one of curiosity. “I see. Tell me Shane, how much sex did you have while going through your transition period. You know, that week where I explicitly stated to avoid sex?”

Phoenix sat down and Vagabond immediately knelt on the ground beside her, slipping off one of the redhead’s heels and massaging her foot. “I
 I don’t know. I was really careful but one day, things got out of control. I made several really dumb decisions and honestly, I can’t answer your question. But what does that have to do with my fat?”

“Do you really think you have belly fat right now? I get that you were a man and all, but come on Shane, you can’t be that naive.”

“You mean this is
 a pregnancy? That’s impossible! It’s only been a month and I look like I’m full-term!”

“How much weight have you gained Mr. Tanner?”

“What does that have to do with

“Please, do not make me repeat myself.”

The soft violet hue of Phoenix’s eyes had changed, becoming a deeper, darker purple. Vagabond had increased the speed of her foot rub in an attempt to calm Phoenix down. Looking up at Shane, the silk-laden cat girl whispered, with a pained expression on her face, “Please don’t make Miss repeat herself. Please?”

“I’ve put on about twenty-five pounds or so. Maybe thirty?”

The violet eyes softened again and a smile formed on Phoenix’s face. “So, would you like the good news, or the bad news first?”

“I guess the good news?”

“Well, the good news is that you are going to be a mommy! Not just any mother either. See, when a man turns into a woman using my formula, they become hyper fertile, especially during this first week. Based on what you said, and how large you are already, I’d imagine you had quite a night. For each time you had sex, another child was conceived! Isn’t that great?”

The blood from Shane’s face drained. “That’s the good news? I wanted to be a strong, great-looking man. If that’s the good news, what on earth is the bad news?”

“The bad news is that you are going to be stuck as a woman until after the children have been birthed. Even after they are birthed, there is a high probability that converting back will take several months of daily work. That appetite of yours isn’t going to slow down either. Your body is going to continue reforming throughout your pregnancy. It was designed as a means to protect soon to be mothers during their respective pregnancy. That reformation needs energy, and humans convert food into energy.”

“So, I’m nowhere done growing then? Can this get any worse?”

 based on the size of your belly now I would guess that it will only be a matter of months before you will become unable to walk on your own. Not without my help of course.”



Uh oh! 😃