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WHEW!!! After around 7-8ishhh hours of work/sculpting, Tracer is fully gagged and ready too go and I gotta say, she looks gorgeous as always! :D I'll be adding in more detail to her gags tomorrow and giving her rope as well and tiding up everything overall hehe Main image should be ready to go by tomorrow night for EARLY ACCESS, Bundle #82 w/short animation will follow up later into the week as well!

Anyways, that's it for tonight with updates; Animation idea still currently stands the same from my recent WIP post, I'll be posting more updates later this week as progress continues including some exclusive ones in Discord so make sure too keep an eye out over there! Hope everyone has a great rest of there night, see y'all on the next one! <3 

- Algoid




Completely forgot too add this in the description ;_; but let me know if I should keep that yellow color for her cleave gag! Thinking about giving her bandana a bright "baby blue" color so it pops a bit more but not sure yet!