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Questionnaire: What is your favorite work that hataraki ari has made so far?
Animation, illustration, comics, any of them are acceptable.

We will use them for future reference.
Let us know in the comments.




Nyuh x Milk Cat fucking all the way ❤️


Anything with Sukimi🐮💖


I like most of the Limon and Junko pics cause futa romance with hyper bodies is cute.

dragonslayermaster ornstein

This is gonna be controversial of me but I really enjoyed your furry artwork and especially your macro muscular growth dragon lady.


I love all of the Unami stuff: the comic and her kidnapped the most.

some asshole

The giant wolf series is top knotch. Anything red/aka is great!!

Cock Knockem

Anything involving the copgirls, Sukimi or that kancho animation.


Mostly the breast expansion/ lactation stuff


The Ushinomiko series is really good.


Shimomo getting fucked


Second favorite would probably be when Arylia05 penetrated KK. That was sheer unadulterated raw lust!!

James Boyer

Daily life or the Time Stop series. Would love to see more with Time Stop!

Bungus Schkungus

Wolf swallowing and bachiko swallow big belly


I really like the way you draw breast expansion ♡ ´・ᴗ・ `♡. I also love your vore images ♥

Andrew Torres

Always got be my lovely hottie sexy girlfriend queen babe Parra. You’re always my favorite girl power of all time Parra, I’m always your best king handsome Latino boyfriend of all time too love you babe❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🤟


Any of your Hatarakiappli works! I'd love to see more of them with girls growing dicks!


call me a sap but I love anytime Junko and Limon are being romantic with each other.

Jorge Alberto

K-Shouko getting shot with the enlargment beam 3 times


Akasukimi and the wolf are my favorite illustrations/animations


The Wolf swallowing and the bachiko swallowing sets were amazing!


Shimomo and sukimi fucking, also anything with shimomo in general and her dick becoming massive in size.

Night Akula

Expansion/growth stuff!


I personally love anything with Taihouchan, especially when she is futa


The growth animations like the crystal or phone app are great


Comic? Parra destroying the Bull's house Artwork? Anything related to Sukimi, Ushinomiko Tsubaki or Shimomo. Huge titties are always nice.

Gabriel Ault

Shimomo getting dicked

Pilot Night

I'm biased but I liked the KK Growth Drive!!!! Like+RT make boob BIG !!!!!!

Lucas Witt

I really loved the hanging copgirl series but overall i love All the expansion/inflation art


Anything with OO, Bachiko, Shimomo. I really liked the Bachiko and OO vore stuff.


Comics have always been the best things you guys put out.

Andrew Spittal

Anything with JunKo. Limon is a nice bonus, but JunKo is always my #1 gal

Tony Takara

Princess Peach or Bowsette


the best thing you've done is the KK bear hug series

redd x2

anything with oo in it

David Minnocci

I like every of your works with big pairs of tit getting sucked


Anything with Junko and Limon especially. Though it'd be interesting to see more of K Shouko interactions considering her being Junko's mother


The "behind" series need more caractere

Mandragluke 97

Futanari stuff, mostly with junko and limon, looking forward to seeing what shimomo gets up to also


Honestly anything to do with Shimomo


Love when Sukimi is bloated with milk and needs to be milked XD


Love to see more comics or a animated short?

Orion 227

Shimomo. Anything including Shimomo instantly become my favorite


Top 5 works 1. Sukimi enlarged breast(Parra,Shimomo,ect.) 2. Unami to cross examine special 3/Hole and Mezumi special 3 3. Behind Sukimi(Parra,Shimomo,Junko) 4. Ushinomiko’s nightlife “heavy” 5. Ukimi’s chair Honorable Mentions 1. Taihouchan tittydrop 2. Parra massaged rough/gif 3. Mutsuki and Ariha


Any expansion/inflation content. The body modification animations including the phone apps or the recent magic jewel sequence were particular favorites of mine.

Noe Robles

Ushinoko daily life 2

Thick Thighs

The giant wolf sucking big titties with his big mouth

Ruy Fernando (Flint)

I'm happy with more cute Sukimi animations, But this animation is one of my favorites. https://www.patreon.com/posts/skimis-15861600


I like the gender bent animation between the two siblings. One becoming a curvy, busty girl, and the other growing a massive, virile penis.

Luis Everth

Shimomo fucking and getting fucked are always my favorite 👍


I like the cop stuff


Anything KK related

A Mint

Any of Ushinomiko that goes through the outfit. Rare concept that comes out great.




For me these are some of my favorites https://www.patreon.com/posts/pole-and-copgirl-91023229 https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragongirl-skeb-90228624 https://www.patreon.com/posts/bachiko-and-mp4-82198410 https://www.patreon.com/posts/bachiko-and-mp4-82391359 https://www.patreon.com/posts/copgirl-oo-vs-73588856 https://www.patreon.com/posts/copgirl-oo-mp4-70702489 Liked the pole one for the display of the gals, and also the size stuff Dragon one because of big muscle dragon gal Bachiko and Kibachi and it's follow up because I love expansion stuff, specially belly and would love to one day see Bachiko do that to OO OO stuff since I absolutely love her design, big busty cop girl with red eyes and silver/white hair is a combo that I absolutely love to see.


Definitely Taihou going nipple to nipple with one of the copgirls

The Dank Demon

Just about anything with huge bouncy breasts and being revealed or ripping through clothes. Or breast-feeding!

Samuel Smith

The latest nipplefuck with OO and the enlargened KK nipplefuck one is your fav works by far.


I love all the breasts expansions My favorite is the sukimi nipplefuck But all the expansions specially when they ripped the clothing


The ultimate wolf and Akasukimi.gif and the variations are great, plus The wolf that ate Akasukimi and RedParra.mp4 and its variations are very hot. Love that you do vore sometimes.


I am a personal lover of milkcat and the wolf pieces…would love to see milky getting gulped by him and get huge boobs

Zach Tank

There is a gif with JunKo running with toast and egg in her mouth that really helps me understand animation and movement.

Sarah Peterson

I would just like to take the opportunity to say that I love everything you do! I am very happy!

Joebama Joebama

The GIANT BOOB sukimi button game


Definitely the wolf sucking Akatsukimi’s tits, and Ushio sucking Sukimi and Parra’s tits. Please make more titty sucking content! 😍


Anything with KK


The age progression gender bender app. Or “wild boy “ I think it was called




Love the animation magic jewel and hataraki app. If you can do more of then. It would be amazing


Everything with JunKo and Limon as well as Ushinomiko with futa ghost-chan🫡💝😍🌍🌏🥰


It's hard to pick just one favorite, you have so much great work If I had to pick only a few, they would probably be: -Bachiko that swallowed Copgirl-OO (https://www.patreon.com/posts/bachiko-that-oo-89518370) -The Defeat of Copgirl "Special2" (https://www.patreon.com/posts/defeat-of-cop-64933487) -The Defeat of Justice (https://www.patreon.com/posts/defeat-of-mp4-62295909) -Hypnotized Copgirl-OO (https://www.patreon.com/posts/hypnotized-oo-76145258)


https://www.patreon.com/posts/milk-vendor-mp4-65589144?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link Anything with tsugumi is always good

PatreonSoda (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-11-25 04:14:10 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.
2023-10-31 23:39:37 I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.

I'm a fan of the breast expansion, ass expansion stuff. Your animations are great.


Akasukimi, Red Parra and Ultimate Wolf. Like the swallowing gifs, but everything with them is great.


Anything involving Junko or cop girl OO.


anything involving the cop girls, but especially KK since I like big breasts and her tomboy-ish looks

Stelard Actek

Anything with Ushinomiko; KK, OO or the chief; or Milkcat. :D Personally not a huge fan of when the girls get drawn with large detailed vaginas but that is a personal preference.


Anything with sukimi, kk, parra love those 3


This is a trick question, the answer is YES


I love all the copgirls especially K-Shouko! Kaneko and Arikochama are very cute! and new magic jewel is my new fav!


these three: https://www.patreon.com/posts/akasukimi-and-88757673 https://www.patreon.com/posts/akasukimi-being-75919644 https://www.patreon.com/posts/30-s-anime-night-32436870


Anything with the copgirls. I really like it when their jobs make them naked

Rick Raptor

I'm a simple man. I see cow girls, I like. Especially Sukimi!




Ushio having sex with Sukimi, Parra and any other girls with similar breasts and curves.


Unami is my favorite!!!


Anything with cum inflation ❤️


Ultimate Wolf and Red Para "Hard" is my one true fave, though all the Akasukimi and Red Para stuff is all my overall fave.


Shimomo and Parra "hard" growths. Taihou's forcing her chesty effects unto others. Also enjoyed the phone effects and that new plump cop girl. I wonder how "hard" growths will affect her.


I'd say the "Bachiko That Swallowed Copgirl" and The Ultimate Wolf And Akasukimi "Hard"

Killer Vossler

all copgirl-KK and Hatarakiappli.mp4 would like to see more and with other girls.

Haku Damashi

My favourite works of yours are the ones involving Parra and Ushio because I find them cute and wholesome, my favourite of which is "Parra being sucked".

Space Rift

Milk Vendor Tsugumi in general / Milk Cat: Milk Massage / Milk Cat with Sukimi, Parra and Shimomo. Gotta be the best ones


Magic Jewel is very quickly becoming a favorite. I hope their libidos are enhanced just like their bodies.

Dream Daze

Middrilo and Coco

Demster Clippy

The Bear Hug Copgirl works are my favorite. I love all the cop girl pictures with FF, KK or any other girl in trouble, but the Bear Hug ones are the best.

Inquisitor Meyrin

The time stop comic and anything with Ushinomiko or Shimomo


Sukimi's night.gif. Simple sex is always great. Though, I wish there were less lines, plus, an anal version.


Give me anything with Parra. I also miss Sukimi with cleavage.


I really like any animation or art involving growth/expansion. As for characters, the copgirls are my fave. <=3


Y'know what, another favorite would be when Taihouchan's huge tits suctioned onto KK's massive boobs, and made her nipples puffier~ Hataraki invented the Titty Kiss


Parra’s wash, she’s my favorite character.


anything with multiboobs!

Ryan Drakel

Won't lie, the first time I saw an animated vore work I felt my heart skip a beat in surprise... I loved it, Akasukimi looked like she didn't mind being swallowed down though I wonder what the wolf did with her after the fact. Would love to see an internal view to see if she's still enjoying it.


Any vore and milking animations are great

Black Lion

I personally liked your vore animation art. I hope we see a piece with Akasukimi completely inside the wolf (Both external & internal) and maybe something with female predators.


牡丑の巫女-双海 Oushinomiko-Futami. I like it when the woman has a penis as large as her entire body.

亮 フジ

gender bender ariko KK belly

John Doe

I know it's been taken down but I really liked that animation of the two boys playing with the phone app.


The most erotic works so far have been Shimomo and Taihou fighting (making love) with each other... and Shimomo getting milked by the milkcat. Any time we briefly see Shimomo's face turn from anger to orgasm is a treat.


The vore work was a surprise when I first saw it, but I've loved each one you made.

Nicolas Currà

I should be scrolling down trough all of the beautiful content you've made, but I remember seeing your works in other sketchy sites. So far, i liked the old comic with the tentacles (forlivese me, i'm new and don't know all the caracters' names yet).


Posts with OO or inflation


The works with the police ladies.


Love it so much! Thanks for the amazing work!


I love all your police girls, Especially OO. I also do enjoy your vore animations works as well. Hopefully we get to see more OO, the police girls, and your vore animations


Most of your animation plz!!!!

Black Lion

I personally like the vore pieces.

clover cat

I would absolutely love to see more of Milkcat, she's easily my most favorite one!!!!!!! also would love to see versions of Milkcat being a futa too!!


Absolutely loved the Taihouchan Vs KK comic. I'm an absolute sucker for the huge nipples, and the nipple growth resulting from it!

Hollow White

The red riding hood vore stuff

taigen solken

i liked the shrine maiden ones


I love growth stuff, especially when it causes a mood change to the character

TheStarmanic96 .

Mostly your amazing growth stuff. Especially those animations featuring the growth app you made last year.


I say anything Size Difference related you do! Personally adore the 'Big Bad Wolf' series and 'Gigante Wolf' featuring one or more of your gals!

Papi Lame



Little red Akasukimi getting banged and eaten... also anything with defeated copgirls banged by criminals.


Bachiko. If chance,ÿou should make one of her being tested and raped by scientists who are facinated by Aliens. Big points if Bachiko is also enjoying it.

Shark Bait

Arisa is extremely good


Does the Hataraki_appli have lore? I'm wondering how long the effect lasts and if there's a limit on expansion?


Copgirls, Bachiko, Vore & Expansion.


My favourite one is K-shoko,I really like her huge breasts and puffy nipples


Was a big fan of the deviantart content for a good bit, joined the patreon for earlier access at the Vore Content



Arctic Kaiju

Any vore and butt shaking things.


Copgirls and vore 🤤😍


KK is amazing

RY Guy

Giantess parra works