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Mic died so we had to use backup audio. Depressed

Also be looking out for a surprise new video later tonight 🤫



It’s here


Brig Andrus

What’s more depressing.. this episode or the audio?




The suprise video is a one piece or Naruto first episode reaction am I right guys?? 😏😉


86 🙏 it's coming one day


my girl 😭😭😭😔😔😔


I am not gonna get my hopes up so imma say that the surprise video is not Haikyuu....😞


I actually plat dead space (remake) 😌 played the original trilogy as well


New surprise video! ❤❤❤ Hoping for 86 🙏🏼

Mansxlook _05

Definetly didn‘t enjoy the second part of the episode that much


are you guys thinking about upping the numbers of hxh eps at all? y’all r getting into the best arc!!

Matthew Valentine

Gege Akutami Occupation: Mangaka Hobbies: Torturing Yuji


geges favorite character was nanami.. no one is safe


someone give yuji a hug


gege doing that to nobara infront of yuji RIGHT AFTER he says how grateful he is for her not making him feel alone.....foul

Thomas Juino (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 4 ep left the next one is so hype !!!
2023-11-30 21:17:12 4 ep left the next one is so hype !!!

4 ep left the next one is so hype !!!


I know we have no enemies but Gege (author of JJK) is my #1 enemy right now 😡 im sorry but im this close to dragging that cat by his ears 🔪 not even Toji can save his ass from me 💀

Joie Dianzon (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 I really hope it is, it serves as an anti-depressant for these Shibuya Arc episodes. After last week, I just feel numb watching this episode.
2023-11-30 21:30:04 I really hope it is, it serves as an anti-depressant for these Shibuya Arc episodes. After last week, I just feel numb watching this episode.

I really hope it is, it serves as an anti-depressant for these Shibuya Arc episodes. After last week, I just feel numb watching this episode.


“Nobara’s gonna kill Mahito 1, Yuji’s gonna kill Mahito 2. we’re all gonna be happy” oh you sweet summer child, you had so much hope didn’t you 🥲


Fr that evil cat better sleep with his one eye open 😤


I needed that nobara flashback because I’m gonna miss her😞


Have to remember all of this is happening within a couple hours. Shibuya is in Tokyo and Kyoto is pretty far from Tokyo, if Todo and crew took a bullet train the instant everything started happening it would still take them 2 hours to get there.


neon genesis evangelion incoming? 👀

alex anderson

This arc has done everything right so far and I love it. From a purely storytelling and writing perspective, everything is insane. Starts out as a mysterious incident, the plan unfolds removing the best sorcerer from the equation, and shows us just how much shit can happen if everything doesnt go according to plan. Sorcerer are dying left and right, people are getting punished for fighting alone. The only people that we know arent dead are the ones getting screen time, creating suspense and worry for everyone else in shibuya. Insane arc. Personally my favorite out of all anime.

Can’t touch this Stone

Bro we gotta jump the absolute f out of Mahito. What a piss poor thing. Stomp a mudhole on his patchy ass


Only thing that can save us from shibuya

aubrey !!

idk how yuji does it i would have gone insane by now


Did no one else feel like the flashback was way too long? I thought after Naruto and AoT it wouldn't bother me but WOOF that was half the episode 😂. Other than that I think this episode actually had my favorite animation of the season. Of everything else, I noticed that keyboard in Saori's office. Honestly very CSM-esque, I'd be surprised if this episode wasn't the people working on that show, so good.


What an episode, no one is safe

Daniel Kuehl

This was my absolute favorite episode of the season


One more body to the count for the GOAT


The Kyoto school is in Kyoto, a prefecture on the other side of the country. It would takes hours to travel to Tokyo by train. They would have to be notified by someone the moment the veil went down and rush the shit out of there straight to Tokyo in a few hours if they want to catch up to the party in time. The veil wen down what, 3 hours ago? 3 hours ago Hanami, Dagon Jogo, were alive and Gojo was fine... its been very little time. In the timespan of 3 hours Toji resurrected and then died again lol. as Shibuya still existed... Shit is happening fast

Asbjørn Kennedy

They were cooking with todays episode, might be my favorite of Shibuya arc. I loved Sukuna vs Mahoraga and Yuji vs Choso, but this is the stuff that gets me invested. I could watch the flashback sequence multiple times, it felt like it was jam-packed with lots of subtle characterisation. The cinematography was great, I love it when showmakers have the guts to drag out a scene without any sort of action or dialogue, and it happened quite a few times in this episode. Also I imagine the empty chairs is a reference to Bokurano (and to a lesser extent PMMM I guess). But fuck man I’m sad about Kugisaki, she was low key one of my favs 😭

David Aranda

Yuji’s past 15 minutes: Shibuya massacre, Nanami dies, Nobara dies. Bro is going through it.


Idk at this point this show is kinda… the writing for these deaths are seeming VERY trifling and meaningless, you have these untapped characters that people love and then you just kill them off with little to no effort it just doesn’t feel well thought through. Like what was the POINT??? She was young, had so much potential, performed black flash before a LOT of other sorcerers and not to mention idk wtf manga authors have against women characters in trio’s but they always get treated like shit and it’s old and tiring. You CANNOT tell me she didn’t have the strength to fuck him up. They killed the GOAT Nanami as if he was some second rate fodder too. This show has definitely fallen out of my top spots cause like how can I even get attached to anyone( the point of making shows with characters that have personalities is to get the viewers to love them) so now what???


Yuji has got to be broken by now, how long has it been for all of Shibuya, all in one night at least

Asbjørn Kennedy

Actually thinking about it some more, she did have that line about “There are only so many seats open in my life” and that “Yuji is someone who brings his own seat and sits down” back at the end of S1, so the chair sequence is probably moreso a reference to that. And considering that almost all the seats are empty, and how she said that she hated her village and how it was more difficult to be strangers than friends, it is symbolic to the high walls she put up around herself, and only let a select few in. This is just touching the surface, and not to mention the growth she underwent from her perception of both herself and strangers, into arriving at the final conclusion that she presents with a smile “Life wasn’t so bad”. There’s too much to unpack. Anyway, amazing episode!

alex anderson

For one, nobara didnt have the strength to beat mahito and i can argue this with just what the show has told us about jujutsu, power scaling etc. and nanami was half dead anyway after fighting one special grade and getting obliterated by an even stronger one. But i can understand why some people might not enjoy this part of show as yes it makes all the build up and emotion that story creates for these characters seem meaningless. I personally like it for my own reasons, but i can understand where your coming from, this isnt something shonen animes do all that much.

Mia Malvik

Nobara is the type of female character that you rarely see in anime and especially this genre. It was a quote by her that actually made me watch this show back in s1, and I know a lot of girls feel the same about her character and how she's representation a lot of us can actually relate to. Glad she got the sendoff she deserved


Nobara got hit by mahito main's attack cause she was off guard. She thought the one who run at her was the copy that couldn't use the technique. So you could say her figuring out the truth of the doppelganger was what led her to death. That rat Mahito actually did a smart move there. RIP to one of the best female characters.

Josh Knoebel

It would have been a fine flashback if there was anything about it that mattered. Like, we introduced a couple meaningless characters that only come into existence just now, for the sole purpose of creating some kind of emotional backstory to Nobara? As if Gege is saying we didn't care about her the correct amount yet after being a significant character in S1. But I just... don't care about her childhood friends. I'm hoping there will be some big reveal and tie in later on with Saori and Fumi, but I have a terrible feeling they were just (very bad) emotional vehicles. Killing Nobara off is honestly fine. I'm here for it. The writing is clearly and thoroughly creating a "We're all screwed, this is Armageddon, the world is genuinely ending, there is no hope" feeling, and I like that. But there was about 2 minutes of actual plot advancement in this 24 minute episode, and that feels pretty awful when the prior episode was such a good set up for an emotional and epic fight. It didn't need this additional set up. It just feels like this episode was filler in a show that absolutely doesn't need filler.

Mysterious Figure

I thought both Nobara and Nanami were such boring characters, both from a characterization standpoint, from their visual design, and their power/technique concept. I couldn't be more happy they are dead, and I hope no plot armor brings them back. I hope their deaths serve some purpose in making Yuji become less of a useless Sukuna body sack without any technique of his own after 2 seasons already. I almost fell asleep during both Nobara's and Nanami's "backstories"... none of their writing served a worthwhile purpose for the other characters growth. Nobara was just barely friends with anyone, and Nanami was just barely tolerating being alive most of the time. Them being put out of their miseries would have only been more satisfying if a less infuriating character than Mahito killed them. Finally there's a chance some screen time will hopefully be given to more interesting characters.


It was half an episode of exposition and connected to ideas introduced in S1. Fair enough if you didn't get anything out of it, but it has its place.


So heartbreaking. JJK has some of the best written women characters IMO, and a goat is gone. I saw a spoiler earlier this season saying "noo! not Nobara covering her eye in the intro" and now I understand why 😔 I've also turned from hyped every Thursday to dreading it. 🥲

Alexis Hunting (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 I don’t know how I feel about JJK at the moment. I didn’t like Mechamaru’s character at first, but his death served a purpose and made me like him more. Nobara’s death seems like another random killing by the author…it’s more questionable and frustrating than sad at this point. I’m really hoping they justify these character deaths in the future.
2023-12-01 02:48:02 I don’t know how I feel about JJK at the moment. I didn’t like Mechamaru’s character at first, but his death served a purpose and made me like him more. Nobara’s death seems like another random killing by the author…it’s more questionable and frustrating than sad at this point. I’m really hoping they justify these character deaths in the future.

I don’t know how I feel about JJK at the moment. I didn’t like Mechamaru’s character at first, but his death served a purpose and made me like him more. Nobara’s death seems like another random killing by the author…it’s more questionable and frustrating than sad at this point. I’m really hoping they justify these character deaths in the future.


Google says that Kyoto (were the other school is located) is 6 h from Tokyo by car and 3h by train (I'm guessing bullet train???) it's around 11:30pm right know and Gojo was sealed around 9:30pm so roughly 2 hours have passed, we have to think that Tokyo people really asked for help after Gojo was confirmed sealed, otherwise if Gojo is fine they "don't need help" as he is the strongest. Can't believe we got 2 weeks of back to back pain and depression 💔 I dunno if they will show the scene with the narrator next week, but in case they don't, the narrator explains that the real Mahito acts as a blind spot so Nobara couldn't see that there were 2 let alone that they switched, so she let her guard down when Mahito approached her since she knew he was not able to use the technique 😞

Alexis Hunting (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 I wouldn’t say she had the strength to take him out, but I definitely agree that the character deaths seem like a questionable choice. Randomly killing cool characters because the main character needs motivation? I hate that.
2023-12-01 02:55:04 I wouldn’t say she had the strength to take him out, but I definitely agree that the character deaths seem like a questionable choice. Randomly killing cool characters because the main character needs motivation? I hate that.

I wouldn’t say she had the strength to take him out, but I definitely agree that the character deaths seem like a questionable choice. Randomly killing cool characters because the main character needs motivation? I hate that.

Can’t touch this Stone

Also she was outplayed tbh not noticing the switch up. And hate to say it she should have listened to Nanami and stayed put. But she also saved Itadori


The episode was ok they just dragged out nobaras backstory way too long and they didn’t even include a great part in the manga w gojos shirt lmao. At least we get 120% next week on my bday too I’m hyped

alex anderson

I like the deaths because its giving meaning to the choices that characters are making, creating consequences from ones actions and not giving some bs plot armor. Nanami didnt have to go down to the lower floors where there was obviously more danger but decided to go anyway. Nobara was warned twice that she isnt ready and still went anyway. Yuji decided to go in alone and try to take choso out which led to sukuna being broughtout. The purpose of this arc is to show that theres reasons why jujutsu society sends people in groups to take out curses, that the world is cruel and that you need to become insanely strong to survive. That without a safeguard like gojo, the world is a scary place. This is why gojo tells his students to become as strong as him, so that way people dont have to die so young in this stressful and dangerous industry like riko, haibara, and now nobara.


lol that whole backstory just to build up to..."I hope she is doing well" 😐😴😴smh.


yuji going through a trauma speedrun 😭 i read that from the sukuna's shibuya massacre, nanami's death and nobara's death it has only been 15 minutes that have passed for yuji

Mysterious Figure

Does it make you feel better to insult some random person online that has some weird opinion you don't like? Why do you care? If you disagree give your own opinion on why you feel differently, or you could just move along. Whenever you throw baseless insults online at someone you've never met in your life, the only thing you're showing is your worth as a person.


In the manga a bunch of the group from Jujutsu High is sitting in the chairs in the flashback, it was really sweet. Honestly glad they didn't animate it would've been rough on my soul.

Alex Ramirez

I will say that Mahito looks so much faster in the manga when he touches Nobara's face. The speed he's running in the anime does make it look like Nobara is incompetent lol


aot is goated but shibuyas far longer than shiganshina so its a bit of a greater arc, also them breaking the one unspoken shounen rule where you can never kill the main trio, well especially not this early..


Yes, all those deaths suck and what's even worse is that they don't really have any relevance to the story or character development


yes the comment was salty but in several years when you'll all be watching season 4 of JJK you'll know he, or she, was right =/

Bryce Jones

I love that this show takes no prisoners.


Avoid fillers PLEEEASE


Can people please please stop with the “next episode is going to be…”, it’s taking so much enjoyment out of the experience. After all the spoilers people have been dropping I really hope they stop reading the comments so the show doesn’t get ruined for them.

Seth Aasland

i cant even fathom what it’s like to be in yuji’s position rn. someone give this man a year-long hug cuz he needs it 😭


I understand that perspective and a little 2-minute scene, maybe just the Saori grown-up part and a little about this new girl, would've been fine. It's just bad pacing, the job of a screenwriter is to make the audience care leading up to a big moment, not insert a 10-min scene right beforehand with mostly stuff we already knew plus a new random girl that we're not connected with. Just a difference in Western and Eastern storytelling I guess but nothing about the scene made me care more it actually did the exact opposite. I loved Kugisaki enough already, an instantaneous death leaving us going "what" would've let us feel that moment with Yuji. As it was I was rolling my eyes 5 mins in wondering when we were getting back, zapped all the shock right out of the scene. Thanks for your reply though


“See us next week for our free depression” 😭😭🔥

Joie Dianzon (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 They are not boring characters. The author just killed them out of the story early. This is why many call it “distasteful writing”. They have so much potential but less time for character development and Gege just simply saying that he “got carried away” or “character no longer serves their purpose” is just proof that he never put effort to think about the depths of these characters. Very different from Isayama (AOT), Togashi (YYH) and Watsuki (RuroKen). I have seen fanfic writers who did a better job exploring the growth of these characters compared to Gege, to be honest.
2023-12-02 02:24:10 They are not boring characters. The author just killed them out of the story early. This is why many call it “distasteful writing”. They have so much potential but less time for character development and Gege just simply saying that he “got carried away” or “character no longer serves their purpose” is just proof that he never put effort to think about the depths of these characters. Very different from Isayama (AOT), Togashi (YYH) and Watsuki (RuroKen). I have seen fanfic writers who did a better job exploring the growth of these characters compared to Gege, to be honest.

They are not boring characters. The author just killed them out of the story early. This is why many call it “distasteful writing”. They have so much potential but less time for character development and Gege just simply saying that he “got carried away” or “character no longer serves their purpose” is just proof that he never put effort to think about the depths of these characters. Very different from Isayama (AOT), Togashi (YYH) and Watsuki (RuroKen). I have seen fanfic writers who did a better job exploring the growth of these characters compared to Gege, to be honest.

Mysterious Figure

@Joie Dianzon One of the points I COULD see the writer possibly tried to make by killing Nobara (Nanami not so much this), is that death in real life doesn't happen in a way to "give depth to the story or the characters". Death in real life mostly happens in a shitty way, without any sense or purpose for everyone else to feel a sense of fulfilment from it's occurrence. And from this aspect alone, I think (if the writer intended it as such) Nobara's death had meaning - it was to show you the comfy anime watcher that has gotten used to anime death tropes, that death sometimes can be fucking meaningless and awful, as it actually is most of the time. The reason I disliked Nobara and Nanami was mostly that their potential as characters was not shown off enough, nor was their talent, power or technique as sorcerers interesting enough for me to feel sorry that they got killed off. Their relationships with other characters were not involved enough or intimate enough that I felt any other character would miss them all that much or their death would have that much of an impact on them. This is why in total, I think those two characters wasted our time as viewers and that part of the story is badly written.

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-12-24 18:19:30 no it wasnt too long. it had hella connections to things shes said in seasn 1 and explains her character more. People clearly weren't paying attention to the intent of this episode. and No, its not JUST supposed to be a farewell but I expect a full episode for any main character thats dying.
2023-12-02 14:33:32 no it wasnt too long. it had hella connections to things shes said in seasn 1 and explains her character more. People clearly weren't paying attention to the intent of this episode. and No, its not JUST supposed to be a farewell but I expect a full episode for any main character thats dying.

no it wasnt too long. it had hella connections to things shes said in seasn 1 and explains her character more. People clearly weren't paying attention to the intent of this episode. and No, its not JUST supposed to be a farewell but I expect a full episode for any main character thats dying.


Ngl this episode effed me up..


I wrote two rambling essay paragraphs detailing how it's a detriment to the tone and pacing, which you didn't address, and your response is that we didn't pay attention to the episode. And you said "hella" unironically.


By the looks of it, you weren't paying attention in season 1. This isn't a regular anime. This anime made it very clear that people die very quickly. The shibuya incident makes this very clear albeit the next arcs don't really have many important deaths. Think of Mahito as a character. He wants Yuji to feel the most pain and he knew at least two people important to him. SO he acted as a villain would and devised an actually good plan to both find Yuji and terrorize the two he thought were closest to him. If this is what weirds you out ,I don't recommend continuing the series. JJK is a dangerous world dude. Also, nobara finished her story with not many regrets and said she had a fulfiled life. I wouldn't say she was disrespected in this manga either. She FUCKED up mahito. But Mahito isn't dumb either. It took Nanami and Yuji together to even press Mahito.


Definitely not. I would assume the anime is following the same time frame as the manga. It explicitly states Gojo arrived at 8:30 and the latest episode starts off saying it's currently around 11:15.

A (edited)

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2023-12-22 21:25:11 Nobara 💔 Alrhough the backstory was pretty long, I enjoyed it! I always liked her and I wish we’d gotten more of her. I am not excited to see Itadori & Fushiguro without her 😭😭😭
2023-12-22 21:25:11 Nobara 💔 Alrhough the backstory was pretty long, I enjoyed it! I always liked her and I wish we’d gotten more of her. I am not excited to see Itadori & Fushiguro without her 😭😭😭
2023-12-04 06:12:47 Nobara 💔 Alrhough the backstory was pretty long, I enjoyed it! I always liked her and I wish we’d gotten more of her. I am not excited to see Itadori & Fushiguro without her 😭😭😭

Nobara 💔 Alrhough the backstory was pretty long, I enjoyed it! I always liked her and I wish we’d gotten more of her. I am not excited to see Itadori & Fushiguro without her 😭😭😭


In a way the deaths do have meaning in forming yujis character also death was inevitable that’s the sad life of a jujutsu sorcerer it was said to us in the beginning it’s what made geto go crazy the only thing that awaits a jujutsu sorcerer is death this is what was expected but because everyone was normalizing that main characters survive they have plot armor it left people dumbfounded with the current events of this arc but I get it


I love this show it made it to my number 4 spot I know why people are starting to hate the show I personally love it I immediately went on to read the manga after season 1 and was appalled by this arc but it made me understand that this was always going to happen death was inevitable for the sorcerers it was stated in the beginning it’s what made geto go crazy realizing that the only thing that was certain for sorcerers was death and none of the ordinary citizens would give a damn cause they didn’t know again I say I love this show and I don’t think it’s ever getting out of my number 4 spot

Reilly Keith

How is that a spoiler lol it’s the same amount of information as you had before except before you thought for sure she was dead I just said it’s never been confirmed that’s literally not a spoiler it’s never come up again I don’t have extra information I’m providing


I always found Nobara’s backstory very touching and subtle. It really shows how much she cares about good people, and isn’t scared to befriend those who are ostracised or bullied by others - which explains so well why she never judged Yuji for being Sukuna’s vessel despite everyone else wanting him dead. And the fact that she has such high walls around her heart but Yuji still managed to “pull up a chair” makes their friendship so much more special, and her death so much sadder. Also, I’m not sure if this context was explicitly stated in the manga by Gege but I think something along similar lines was alluded to, but the reason Saori and her family are ostracised, bullied and chased out of the village is hinted at by the Mappa animators to be because Saori’s parents are lesbians - there’s a family photo showing Saori and two older women. Which would explain why Nobara was so hateful towards small countryside towns and wanted to move somewhere like Tokyo.