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So this is the worst thing ever. Somehow our files for episode 20 and the finale got damaged or corrupted. I dont know how that happened and it has never happened before. Currently working to see if somehow we can get them repaired/restored. 


keyton bush

It’s all good, stuff happens. Would y’all be able to post 21-24?


Oh no, I hope you guys are able to save the files, I was really looking forward to ep 20 the Erwin Smith episode 🥺


shit man that sucks

esie ♡︎

oh no!! hopefully they will get recovered! but if not, no worries!

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Damn! That sucks. Always try to have backups of your raw videos in case shit like this happens, cause you never know.

Meg O'Brien

It's okay no need to stress or worry stuff like this just happens sometimes:) in the case that you guys cant recover the footage I suggest you guys make a video 5 to 10-minutes long just explaining the situation as well as any prediction you guys have and why you have them, I doubt anybody who watches you guys has not seen attack on Titan so I think people will understand what you are talking about. I recommend posting the video both on here and YouTube incase people wonder why certain eps weren't uploaded. ❤❤


Ah bummer! Hope there's some kinda fix but if not, at least ep 20 isn't too crazy to not have a reaction for. Good luck dudes and try not to stress too hard over it, I know video editing technical issues can be a pain in the ass

Savannah Rodriguez

Oh no!! Hope it gets figured out, no worries if not though:)

Jay J.

Honestly take your time fixing it. But if it's impossible, you guys can rewatch the episode(s) and instead of giving us your 'first reaction', you can explain or share what you *first* thought when you watched a certain scene or what you had thought would happen after a scene; basically just sharing your thoughts while the episode is playing on screen. You guys could also use this rewatch to find extra hints in the episode(s) for your prediction. Avoid faking a reaction. While it won't be the same as 'first time' reaction, for me it will still be better than nothing. Your thoughts about an episode are as valuable as your reaction to it imo. But this might take extra work to do.


I would love to see their first reactions, but if it's impossible, your suggestion sounds good.


If you can't get them fix, then please rewatch the episodes and talk about it like what Jay J. said commented. At least we see your second reaction to them.