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Ok, the way you guys use the term trope drives me crazy. You are both right and wrong. A trope in a story of some sort is synonymous with a cliche. A theme or outcome that gets used over and over again in storytelling. Like young protagonists running to school or wherever they're going in anime is a pretty common trope. So it always throws me when you guys talk about tropes in an anime because I have only ever seen you referring to the times they do goofy drawings of characters 😂. Technically that is A trope but it's also just one of MANY. There's more than one dawgs hahaha


Okay, is anyone else getting Barry the Chopper (from FMAB) vibes from Kafka’s kaiju form?


Agreed with McKay. Idk why but the tropes in this show are surprisingly annoying and I've seen alot of anime so I should be used to it by now. Also it's funny how Carter just laughs at the tropes. Shows alot of progress from when he was an anime hater lol