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Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

5:26 it's not as if Homelander just grabbed Becca in a dark alley and physically forced himself into her. Even in real life, the vast majority of rapes aren't like that. The thing is, if Homelander leads you into an empty room and wants to have sex with you, how are you supposed to say no? That's what many fans of the show don't seem to understand. I mean, if even Starlight was able to be coerced into performing a sexual act by the Deep, just imagine what it would be like for just an average woman to stand up to literally the strongest being in the universe? In Homelander's head for sure it was consensual, who could resist him? In Becca's head it most likely felt WAY different. .And it wasn't random either, as both were implied to have a good relationship before the incident. Like in most rape cases, the perpetrator was taking advantage of built trust between him and the victim.

Gabriel Machuca Wegermann

51:10 I mean, what do you expect? His whole purpose is to take vengeance on Homelander, he doesn't really cares about the other supes. Why would he take a deal that includes taking down every other supe BUT Homelander, when everything he does is so he can defeat him? Also, yeah, destroying his reputation would be good enough because that's literally all Homelander cares about: how other perceive him. He is a true Narcissist.