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Beezy Bee


Emily L






Lexi Mae



Let’s gooooo I been waitin all day




Ommmmggg I was waiting





Dark M

finaly !!!!

The Emerald Duchess

Thank you baby Jesus I need the distraction! Also……as an Iowa native, GO HAWKS!


I did not expect this and I'm losing my mind!!!




wondering when you guys will get back on invincible these past episodes have been cooking


We’ve been waiting for sooo long 😭😭😭




first time watcher, will update in an hour

Sweede TW

Man you guys really blue balled us with the finale but we're finally here


Yessssss!!! Will watch it after a break from work later haha, So when's season 2? 😁


WE ARE BACK. im gonna busttttt


any time frame for when neil will come and watch 86 with u guys?




peak. (havent watched yet)




Cannon, CUT HIS PEEN OFF?? 😂😂☠️ genius honestly

creeper doodle

Lancel Lannister is Cerseis cousin, not her nephew. She only has two siblings, Tyrion and Jaime, and neither have children (besides Cerseis own with Jaime).


finally, we were starving for new GOT


You guys should watch the Season 1 lore videos that are on YouTube. It’s narrated by the actors and gives a lot of context to things. There is one for each season. In the books it is not a Targaryen thing to be immune to fire, it is implied that Dani bringing the dragons back and being immune to fire is a magical miracle. There is no one like her, I’m thinking it’s tied in with like … destiny and the blood magic of her bloodline (blood of Old Valyria) etc but yeah, it was a miracle in the books. She is special !




"there are no men like me. only me"

Mia Malvik

King in the North 🐺🐺


Thank you brothers



Jack S

You guys should probably do season 1 history and lore before going into season 2. They are posted on YouTube I think

Lexi Mae

my theory (i can go deeper based on book lore but don’t want to spoil anything) green dragon was born from the witch, gold dragon was born from khal drogo and the black dragon on her shoulder was born from daenerys walking into the pyre herself and sacrificing the “girl” becoming the “dragon”

Mack Frost




Professor Rizzard The Third

Firstly, I highly recommend watching the official series lore videos the cast reads the lore. Maybe watch 1 after each series. About the fireproof thing and the dragons birth, it’s complicated. I’m not even sure if it’s a spoiler, it’s at least a book spoiler, so I’ll put it below. Possible book/series spoiler below! So yes its essentially confirmed was an act of blood magic and sacrifice that resurrected the 3 fossilised eggs. Aegon Targaryen V (different Aegon to HOTD) is rumoured to have tried this in summer hall and it didn’t work because everyone died. Her surviving the flames in the book is a one off metaphysical act of magic due to the ritual. This was stated by George himself. However the show seems to implicate her as fireproof with the other hints… so yeah some differences between books and the series.

Ezile Xozwa

Watching on Patreon is brazy, I'm not used to seeing reactors watch nude scenes 😅 And this video answers a question I had, which was whether you guys have watched Peaky Blinders or not. I was kinda hoping you all were going to react to it at some point, but I guess not.


roberts bastard is gendry btw


Dany is the only targaryen that's fireproof , she's just a miracle. The princesse that was promised 🐲

Stannis the Mannis

I will support the witch who killed Drogo till my last breath. The Dothraki are worse than scum. Anyone who would accept the support of them will rot in the deepest of the Seven hells.


WAIT!!! the post discussion made me think Are these the 3 eggs that daemon got in EP7 for HOTD or no??? (If its a spoiler for HOTD then i dont want to know lol)


Just finished the reaction… loved it as always… alright now where’s S2 Ep 1 😭


House of the dragons will answer Ur questions about the dragons death 🐉🐉

Random Rana

Great reaction as usual i can't wait for season 2 !! it gets better and better hehehehe also can you rank your favorite characters every few episodes cuz i know you will change you opinion on each character and let jack stay here (his usual place) it's weird seeing him that far LOL And we can't hear what he says his voice is already low.. so in my humble opinion this is better

Marthyn Gonzalez

Response from a book's reader, Daenerys knew how to revive the Dragons through a dream, It was a spell of blood magic. Some Targeryans have magical dreams or something like Viserys and her daughter from alicent in House of the Dragon. Also, Daenerys is the only known Targaryen immune to fire, she is the chosen one i guess.


everythings dropped nothing more important thanx for the upload!!

Sweede TW

There is a pretty solid theory on where the eggs came from but it might be spoilers


Liked the first season, especially the second half. Was cool finally seeing the baby dragons at the end after watching HOTD. Hard to compare the first seasons of both shows because of the big time skips in HOTD but they’re both really good


Well there’s a theory that Danys dragons are actually the eggs that were stolen by Elissa Farman way before in Fire and Blood


Guys I think im pretty sure that she sacrificed drogo, mirri maz dur ( the witch ) and herself.She should’ve burned but she was sort of reborn bc the fire cant burn her… ( and she placed the eggs in specific areas on the pyre atleast in the books)

A De La Torre

I believe GRRM has said it’s not a coincidence that all these old magical things are suddenly popping back up, the dire wolves as well.

Seth Aasland

if joffrey has one hater, it’s me. if joffrey has zero haters, please inform my family and friends that i am dead.

Dana Sow

I cannot wait for you guys to start season 2. In my opinion season 2 is the best GOT season and has some of the best episodes in TV history.

Darrell Henry

Are you guys going to watch the history and lore, it explains a lot.


The answer to many questions is simply: magic

Michael H

Might not be your thing since some people are more touchy over spoilers than others, but I’d recommend checking out the season 2 trailer just because it’s one of the best trailers out there. Edit: I’m talking about Trailer 2 for season 2.

Ali S.



remember the Targaryens weren't the only family with dragons in Old Valyria

Seth Aasland

as much as i hate the lannisters, you cannot deny that their drip game is immaculate

Tyler Sick

You can have 3 dragons You can only ride 1 😎


Let's fucking GOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Hope y’all watch history and lore video for season 1 before starting season 2

Lee M

Are you guys all related? Hahaha some of you look similar to each other


Exactly. So many people seem to think that all Targaryens are immune to fire, but that is not true. Daenerys is special.


To clarify what Dany did. She was immune to the fire due to magic, not anything about Targ blood...If house of the dragon gets sequels past the Greens vs Blacks, this will be touched on WAY MORE... but what Dany did is huge. Since the dragons went extinct, Targs have been trying to hatch dragon eggs for at least a century to no avail. What Dany did is blood magic.

The Quadfather

RIP in piece Nedward Stark 🪦


someone give jack some cough medicine 💀

Brittany Mitchell

Yesss!!! I'm wondering if they filmed any of season 2 before Jack left or if they'll release any without him?


If I have the Gek lore down it should be like this: Carter (middle guy) and Cannon (2nd guy from left) are brothers. Brig (last guy on right) is Carter and Cannon’s cousin. Jack (first guy on left) and McKay (2nd guy from right) are brothers. They aren’t related to the others (I think). Don’t send the SWAT team to my house I’m not a stalker I swear.

Jas G

I think they probably recorded about 3-5 episodes or so with him so he'll be back and it'll be like he was never away

Thomas Juino

All Targaryen aren't immune to fire, but it is a caracteristic of old Valyria nobility that explains partially how they tamed the Dragons back then


just a friendly reminder at the beginning of HoTD it said “172 years before daenerys targaryen”


I think the histories and lore videos will help a lot guys.

Tracy Jones

I’m gonna need Jack to get some water or a lozenge because I keep clearing my throat with him in solidarity 😂🤣😂


Bro it's insane that you're watching it for the first time here lol. I would say tho, you should watch later seasons on a big screen, it gets epic, especially the last four or five seasons. It would be a shame for you to watch it on a reaction video.


Yeah I’m hoping that they’ll watch the history and lore video for season 1 before starting the second season


Oh I already do, I just sync up their footage with my own


Like some Targaryens are dreamers (which is why they left old valyria and went to dragonstone) some are fire proof. You guys need the history and lore videos to fill in the gaps for this season. It is spoiler free. I wondered in HOTD if we saw little tidbits of it. In episode 1 we see Viserys running his hands in the flames of the candles in the sept. Episode 6 Daemon flying through dragon fire when he was flying with Laena. Not sure that means they also are fire proof but could be. And this is different than the books just to head off any comments. Great reaction!


Thought Carter, Cannon and Brig were all cousins and Jack and McKay are twins


Good reaction but I hate when Jack gives wrong information about what happens on the show. Like Lancel is not Cersei's nephew, he is her cousin. And the dragon eggs explanation form Jack was nonsense.



Every Targaryen is a little immune to fire/heat but dany was full fireproof because the witch basically. Even in house of the dragons they were more resistant to heat viserys wife was saying she liked a hot bath.

Seth Aasland

Daenerys is simply built different

Stannis the Mannis

Yeah HOTD really dropped the ball with the Hightowers. They are essentially from an outside perspective Lannisters with Dragons and yet you only see Aemond ride one, and even he can’t control his dragon. They even completely cut arguably the one Hightower who could serve as the “Tyrion” of their family. In the sense that you like him, but hate his family. The Lannisters dog walk the Hightowers in every fashion.

John Gerald

By sacrificing 3 lives... Mirri (the witch), her unborn child, and Khal Drogo, she evoked some ancient blood magic which then in turn gave birth to the dragons. Magic has its price.


As the witch said to Daenerys, “only death can pay for life.” You have three deaths for the three dragons. Which three deaths paid for the dragons is a little unclear and different people have different theories. I tend to go with Drogo, the baby and the witch. Some people tend to think that the horse played a role in it. And in the book there is another horse that is sacrificed to burn in the funeral pyre with Drogo, as it is the Dothraki tradition to burn the horse with the rider, so they would have a amount to ride into the Night Lands. I don’t agree with the theory some people have that Daenerys died in the fire, and is one of the life that paid for the dragons. George Martin specifically said that Daenerys it’s not fireproof. He said that what happened to her in the funeral pyre was a one time occurrence that was part of the blood magic act that created the dragons. But there are times that the show will change the rules of the magic from the books. So you will just have to wait and see how they interpret this for the rest of the television series.


you called me a fool under my comment thinking i wouldn’t see it, i get notifications.


yall be to harsh on Jack, its fine getting information wrong just correct him.


don’t be running mouth and then start acting sly, simple.


I hope you guys dive into histories and lore of season 1 next

Andrew Lynch

I’ll stop spamming about it all the times but I did want to plug the history and lore vids that they publish. It make a lot of things going forward make more sense and based off your convos I think yall would love it


Yea that explanation by Jack about the eggs was a bit scuffed. The concept is that each of the 3 lives on the pyre contributed to resurrecting each of the dead eggs (and they are 100% dead). The lives are the Khal, the child, and the witch. This also isn't a "method" for bringing back dead dragon eggs, it's a one-off moment akin to a miracle just like Daenerys' immunity to fire is a unique attribute only she has. The show has many moments that you should look at through a spiritual lens more than a factual or scientific lens.



dont’t even try that you went under my comment saying “fools love fools” because i said something about daenerys’s then i responded to you then you deleted it . so clearly i’m not the one who needs therapy there is no need to be calling people names. it’s a show.

Lux Omnia Vincit

Cannon and his predictions... I can't :D


I can understand that but being wrong & loud about it can be annoying.

Stannis the Mannis

It’s a quote from the books… and it was meant for another comment as I said prior. Don’t get your panties in such a bunch it’s honestly pathetic.

S Moonchild

From what I know, her being fireproof is also a part of magic in the books. Nothing is mentioned about anyone being fireproof besides Daenerys. So it is not like a Targaryen thing, but her thing. In the show however, I think they imply that some Targaryens won genetic lottery of some sorts and can be fireproof. But again we don’t have anyone fireproof in HoD. If you remember Laena was Velaryon/Targaryen and she died from fire. So far nobody else showed fireproof abilities. So I think they might choose to go with the book’s version and leave Daenerys as the only one. 3 dragon eggs are the result of black magic and sacrifice of other lives. The eggs she has are stone-ified eggs. They were not supposed to hatch even in the fire. It is only magic that brought them. The thing about dragons is that they became weaker over the years and were eventually dog size and killed off. So they just naturally ceased to exist due to something we don’t know (opposite of evolution).


“Born amidst salt and smoke to wake dragons from stone…”

The Quadfather

We need Season 2 episode 1!!


quote from a book or not like i said there is no need for name calling simple and how you get my comment mixed with someone else’s. are you sure your alright?

Luis Fonseca

Fire can’t kill a dragon


I think part of what makes GOT so cool is that the world is “low fantasy”. Meaning youre not supposed to entirely be sure why Daenerys is fireproof, etc. When stuff like dragons and white walkers start happening its almost as surprising and bizarre to the characters as it is to us in the normal world


at least at this point in the world: hundreds of years after the dragons died out

Kaylee Hubbard

Most of these questions especially about dany can really only be answered in the books and theories that people have based on the song of ice and fire prophecy.

Stannis the Mannis

Born amidst salt and smoke… is she a ham? And for a guy who’s taking prophecy so literally I am expecting you to have your prick bitten off. Prophecy is like a sword without a hilt.

Vanessa Sanchez

0:26 Brig: “now I know that no one is safe in this show” Those were my exact thoughts when I first watched Ned die almost 13 years ago. That’s when I knew this show wasn’t playin’ around and I became a forever fan! Definitely a roller coaster of emotions 😅🫣😳😱🥹🤬🤯😃😭you guys are lucky though; you don’t have to wait a week for the next episode and then a year for the next season…


do you not understand english ? you just not getting it? how many times do i have to say there is no need for name calling. i’m only being nice now cuz this ain’t my pateron. so if you get it now be respectful and keep it stepping.


Yeah, I think molten gold is probably a bit different than just fire. I don't think Daenerys would survive getting molten gold poured onto her head lol, but maybe I'm wrong. It's not a common occurrence to have molten metal poured on you though, so there's that. The books handled her immunity/resistance differently.

Matheus Eduardo Jezini

Guys let's stop the nonsense. GoT is so much better than HoTD. More plots, better written, less rule of cool, better characters, more houses, better dialogue, and it feels way more "real". Even though I enjoyed HoTD it's 99% incest, sex, giving birth and throne scheming.

Stannis the Mannis

Ok now I’m scared… quaking in my boots fr god forbid I see what you not being nice looks like I don’t think I could take the sheer terror over the comment section 🤣🤣🤣

Stannis the Mannis

This is all pure speculation. You don’t know anything to be complete fact. and if you knew ANYTHING about GRRM’s writing style as a “gardener”, you wouldn’t be so confidently proclaiming what is and isn’t true about characters lineage. I don’t think you know as much about the novels you purport to be so knowledgeable about. And none of this changes the fact that you are using characterization from the equivalent of seasons 4-6 to frame opinions of a character at the end of Season 1.

Angela becker

Once again I shall ask please do a top 3 love and top 3 hate for characters, it is fun to see how this changes through seasons. Since you alreay started season 2 just do it on next recording. Pretty please. Then do at end of each seaon..


Cannon, your face everytime Joffrey is on screen is so funny. You look like you wanna put a suit of armor on and go down there yourself


If you guys could see Oldtown, you might find the Hightowers more cool.

Lux Omnia Vincit

I'm not sure if this is a spoiler but happy for someone to delete this. Targaeryans are not fire immuned. Daenerys' fire immunity is considered 'magic'.


I see that but what about daemon flying through fire and viserys letting his finger burn from a candle


thought about this the other day... season 6 is the most epic for me


well it just gets crazier from here, that’s all I can say


Too many implied spoilers in this post please delete.


not spoiling anything but a note that you guys forgot is the dead starks are always parried in the crypt of Winterfell and the stark boys dreamed of their dad being there before knowing he was dead.


I hope to see it potentially come full circle in hotd we never know what they’ll reveal this gets sooo tricky


"Ned doesn't have to deal with King's landing" is crazy lmfao Jack


Delete please. This will likely be revealed in HOTD and this is just a spoiler. Spoiled it for me and anyone else who's read it


This universe is high fantasy with low magic. But yes you are right, the characters in this universe dont expect magic around every turn, especially in Westeros.


McKays expressions😭 and brigs cooking every episode is really impressive

King Louie2020

What’s your guys upload schedule like for season 2 you going to take a break or jump right into it


You doing too much lol nobody said dany isn’t special…the witch had something to do with her being fireproof lol also it’s some spoilers in these comments for no reason


@verticile Agree, delete. Barely started the book and did not finish in order to wait for the show. OP spoiled me too, if true. Damn.


Targaryens more resistant to fire it’s not just some tho dany being full fireproof only because of the witch magic. Daemon,viserys and aemma all had something to do with fire in hotd with aemma liking hot baths,viserys playing with fire from candle and daemon flying through the fire but we do see he has fire marks on him in ep 7. Targaryens not full fire proof but they can take way more than normal human.


yeah its exactly this. Like the stuff is possible, but no one thinks that it is, much like if someone in our world survived a fire with no burns, or suddenly a dragon showed up, we'd be freaking out. I could give better examples, but I don't wanna spoil anything for the boys.


No Targaryen has ever been full fireproof lol they just can take heat more than others but not just immune not even nobility from Valyria


There's a deleted scene where Maester Pycell is talking to Tywin (Tyrion's dad) about the kingdom and then Tywin just calls him out and basically says drop the act around me cause I can see through it. Its a pretty funny scene just like when Pycell hops out of bed all limber like. Pycell is a sneaky old man its so interesting.


The show does a really good job of making you hate Joffery and the Lannisters (minus Terion).


The relationship between the Targaryens and dragons is a bond brought forth by magic. Surprisingly, they weren't the only dragonriders. In old Valyria, before the Doom destroyed it, every family rode dragons. The Targaryens and the Velaryons are the only two houses from old Valyria that left and moved to Westeros. The Velaryons don't have dragons, they didn't bring any with them, so the Targaryens remain as the only house that own dragons. They move to Westeros, bring the dragons they own, and then only marry each other so that the bloodline stays pure. Then for some unknown reason, the dragons started dying out. Reverse evolution style. Now, in current GoT, dragons have been gone for hundreds of years, there isn't a man alive that has seen one, until Dany "gives birth" to her three. All of that is to say, no one really knows why the Valyrians can just have dragons and they listen to them. It's a magical bond.


Loved the reaction. History and lore video next right? 🥹🥹


Ik it is but the guys wouldnt know that, so its not a spoiler.


Don’t. Google. Anything.


(Spoilers I guess) Well now they know certain characters live til s3…

Gam Mac

The guy Cersei was bangin wasn't Robert's nephew, he (Lancel) is Cercei's first cousin 🤮 lol


I fee like a history/lore video would spoil way too much about the world. Better to learn through the show imo


I couldn’t wait for the reactions so I started rewatching GOT on my own. Just finished season 3 and there’s so much I’m excited for you guys to experience


I think s4 is the best overall but yeah s2 great aswell


Yeah HotD easily clears seasons 5-8 GoT but not seasons 1-4


oh trust me, that's not the worst thing that can happen to someone in a show


I’d say that takes the cake 😂 Jamie’s peen done started all this shit fr

Cannon Andrus

Jack is the furthest thing from loud, and annoying. I misremember things all the time, and he’s only seen the show once. Way too far.


Yeah I was gonna suggest Mitch delete his comment but didnt wanna sound mean


There does not have to be an answer to everything. It's a fantasy TV show, there are dragons and white walkers, a chick that is fireproof. Later you will see stuff that are even weirder and will have no explanation, just accept it.


I suggest deleting this comment its a spoiler a little bit


GRRM always said that Targaryens have varying degrees of fire resistance, but they aren’t fireproof/immune. Daemon himself was burned in the war in the stepstones, and you can see the scar on his shoulder/side of his neck for the rest of season 1 if you pay attention. GRRM explained that Daenerys not burning in this situation is supposed to be a special occasion as part of her blood magic ritual to resurrect the dragons.

Jason Hall

She’s only fireproof for that specific instance due to the magic involved in the ritual


… you could both delete it tbh, let them learn stuff when it would be “time” to learn the stuff. Who knows, if they’re planning to watch the history and lore videos they could also end up watching those deleted scenes 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get what you are saying but the Pycell scene is such a one off deleted scene its hard to find. I also doubt they will be watching deleted scene's, I just wanted to say I thought Pycell is funny for acting so old.


Love jjk and GOT. Guess I love the pain of my fav characters dying


Not true, there were only 40 dragonriding families in Old Valyria. The Velaryons were never dragon riders, even in Old Valyria (the Targaryens themselves were only of middling power). The 'reverse evolution' you're talking about was probably the result of poisoning by the Maesters. As for why the Valyrians were riders, there are plenty of theories. The prevailing one involves magic they haven't seen yet, but it's hinted at in HotD when Daemon sings the song to Vermithor ("two heads to a third head sing"). The idea is that the spirits of Targaryen ancestors inhabit the dragons. This squares with what we see in this finale, with Dany sacrificing 3 lives (Drogo, Rhaego and Mirri) to wake 3 dragons. "Only death can pay for life." The Valyrians are descended from the Great Empire of the Dawn (in the east, where places like Asshai are). Their ancestors were also dragon riders, and there are believed to be dragons in Asshai still.

Lux Omnia Vincit

This is just a theory and it's not confirmed in the books afaik. Also, the eggs were stolen during Jaeherys reign so no one knows. I would suggest to delete this comment as it potentially be confirmed in HoTD.

brittany beyerle

spoiler alert, you didn't need to mention the season and what characters are still there in it

Ana Diaz

And those were Dreamfyre's eggs, right? That's Helaena Targaryan's current dragon.


You're close: green dragon is born from Dany's baby, white dragon from the witch, and the black dragon is from Drogo.


It's not a spoiler 🙄🙄 and the show doesn't even tell a lot of what is mentioned. The lore and history is supposed to be watched after each season it is paired with. So it's not considered spoiler. Only thing that is spoiler is house of the dragon. They are good watching the first 3-4 lore videos

Lexi Mae

see i used to think green was for rhaego but after re reading the books there are too many parallels that symbolize black dragon and danny’s sacrifice being connected (AA) like her dragon dream where she sees black dragon covered in her blood. i think rhaego was used to bring drogo back but then drogo was just used a sacrifice again lol!!


His name is Gendry, McKay. Not Remy😭😭

Connor Kirby

I looooove Joffrey! My favorite character ever, I’m such a Stan! ❤️❤️


I cant believe Jack just spoiled them without their consent


I’ve never thought of this wow


Book readers just in the comments being the type of nerds that no one likes. I beg of you guys to stop spoiling everything


as much as I love HoTD dragons, Daenerys' are my favorite and I'm excited for you guys to find out why they're so sick. also, Targaryens' homeland of old Valyria was said to be extremely magical. I'm talking about sorcerers and sorceresses, and blood magic, so Dany isn't a stranger to witchcraft.


There’s so many details in GoT, you’re not going to remember everything if you haven’t recently watched. I’ve forgotten so much so wrong things will be said 🤷🏾‍♀️


it's so funny when McKay tries looking at Brig as if he knows what's about to happen lmao


Can’t wait for season 3 can’t lie. There a few crazy scenes


SPOILERS DON'T READ SPOILERS SPOILERS YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED . . . . . . . . . didn't she burns another building (and she's inside) in a future episode and she's fine?


Its so hard watching what sansa has to go through but you can see how she's about to have some major character development. I mean at the beginning of the first season she was literally so annoying but now you can see how its already changing. As a person who has read the books and watched the show she is definitely one of my favs. Just the shit she has to go through first is devastating.


"When dead men and worse come hunting for us in the night, do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne?" - Jeor Mormont to Jon Snow, 298 AC "And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark." - Viserys I Targaryen to Rhaenyra Targaryen, 126 AC


What the schedule for got?


Imo, the dragons are one element where HotD takes GoT no contest. They’re all basically the same model in different colours in this show, and they don’t do enough to distinguish them individually according to personality or movement (like there are in the books). In HotD every dragon looks distinct, and moves differently (compare Caraxes with Nanny Vhagar). They even showed how fast and agile Meleys (Rhaenys’ dragon) is, how ponderously slow but powerful Vhagar is. And I’m sure we’ll get more. The Blood Wyrm is the MVP. The scene in episode 3 of him stalking on the beach? Peak.


Joffrey was told to still have to marry Sansa bcuz she is a Stark and since they know killing Ned means official war with the North, they want to have a Stark in their control. So if she is married to Joffrey he could possibly control the North through marriage with her. The reveal with Dany's dragons hatching was so epic as a first time watcher back then and not knowing anything about dragons beforehand. Since you guys watched HotD first you are already talking about and expecting dragons so it was less of a huge shock, which I understand. I love how feral Cannon got. Casually suggesting "why can't they just cut his peen off?" 😂😂 Jack Gleeson (actor for Joffrey) plays his character so well. I've never rooted for a horrible death for a character (let alone a character that is a child) as much as I did Joffrey. Him making Sansa look at Ned's head is sick. I'm excited for you guys to start Season 2. Please before you start S2 E1, have each person rank their top 3 and bottom 3 characters, and see if it changes at the end of the season. THE KING IN THE NORTH!

Diana Rodriguez ⛓️

wait a minute, didn't Queen Aemma Arryn bathe in hot water and then Viserys say the water was tepid and told her to tell the ladies in waiting dragons like it hotter? How isn't it a Targaryen thing? I always thought Targeryens have special traits bc of the magic in their blood, and they just randomly am born with one, immune/resistant to fire, dreamers, and dragon riders.

Max Kerpen

Plus the explanation on why the dragon eggs hatch with "only death can pay for life" is pretty much correct, the witch said so herself


If you guys are liking this so much there's a "game of thrones history and lore" video for each season its read by different actors from the show and has cool illustrations and is cool to watch after each season most are about an hour long


I will never understand the hate season 5 and 6 get. These seasons are crazy and have at least two of the best episodes in them.

Diana Rodriguez ⛓️

This is not true, there are several Velaryons with Dragons in HOTD. There are Velaryon dragon riders bc they descend from the same Old valyria blood (there is magic in their blood too), the just werent dragon lords cus they were mainly known as seafarers and traders.


Which Hightower did they cut? DH? I think they will reveal him. Because Daemon said that the greens have four dragons. Also in the opening you see four blood trails and not three. GRRM mentions that he exists in the show. They’re not cutting the character lol (if we’re talking about the same one)




Dany made a binding vow giving 3 bodies to hatch the eggs


Lol, just now finished season 3 also. & I agree.

Max Kerpen

The discussions around Dany being immune to fire or not can be simply solved like this: - Books: no (but Targaryens are more resistant to some diseases) - Show: yes (they imply it with the hot bath/touching egg scenes)


Yup so being the dragon has nothing to do with it I mean daemon called viserys the dragon because he was king. She is the only one that we know of that went full fireproof tho yea


idk if anyone has said anything about this yet, but be careful to skip a certain scene in season 3 episode 4 of GOT. a character in that scene basically spoils the ending of house of the dragon lmao

Mia Malvik

Pls edit this and remove the name, it's a spoiler saying which characters are alive further into the show


already changing after having her brother paralyzed, father killed and her getting beaten with a metal glove. She's a quick learner for sure!


Only if it won't replace another got episode please. Getting just 2 episodes a week is already miserably slow


As others have mentioned, Lancel the guy fucking Cersei is Tywin’s nephew making him Cersei’s first cousin and a Lannister. No relation to Robert only his squire.


lannisters are much more complicated and intelligent villains than hightowers could ever be but GOT has a lot of houses and when at the end they tie them up a lot of characters youll never think would interact WILL interact and its just good writing there


for the sake of spoilers i won’t reply with my in depth opinion, but i definitely see your point with all her dragons except one and i’m sure you know which one i’m talking about. also, caraxes is my favorite HoTD dragon he’s the most fearsome. syrax is my least favorite.

Nikolay Nikolaev Asparuhov

As far as I remember GRRM said that the invulnerability is related to the fact that the burning ritual is a one time magical event. So it's not that she can't die from fire ever, it's more related to the magical event that gave birth to the dragons.


I don’t remember Daenerys being immune to fire in the books. That said it’s been like a decade since I read them.


You’ve now completed the tutorial. Welcome to Game of Thrones

Brent Kilgore

Great comment.. i was about to say.. now we get to THE SHOW. S2 and S3 are unbeatable

Darren Pangan

Season 2 uploads couldn't come sooner


The Velaryons who rode dragons in HOTD the tv show were part Targaryen. Rhaenys is a Targaryen and her son and daughter have her Targaryen blood. Daemon’s daughters have his Targaryen blood. Jace and Luke have Rhaenyra’s Targaryen blood.

Kioku Uzumaki

completely random, but have the geks seen Alice in Borderland?? The live action. It's such a good watch.


u think HOTD clears 5-8 already? what r u on 🤣


The Doom of Valyria was the almost mass extinction dragons by fire... "flames so hot that even dragons burned."


Yeah Diana you can read the books or check it out on the wiki. The Velaryons were never riders in Old Valyria, it's purely down to the Targaryen blood.

Stannis the Mannis

They had time to waste on Aegon jerking off and a show only rape plot to apologize for GOT’s treatment of women but we couldn’t get Daeron at all in season 1?


why do they have to skip it? we all saw it & have never seen the ending of house of the dragon either

Stannis the Mannis

Y’all hit the nail on the head even if you were joking. Someone in the Targaryen lineage pulled a donkey from Shrek and piped a dragon. The murals in HOTD depict this potential history.


Yeah I agree, they could’ve at least show him. But I am very certain that they will introduce him in season 2 or 3 and it’ll be as a „surprise“ for everybody who didn’t read the books.

Débora Silva

Guys I think I cracked the code for the GOT uploading schedule. So, for those who also follow their YouTube channel might notice that if they upload a GOT video there first, later they'll upload on Patreon with a most recent reaction. For example, I saw that they uploaded ep. 8 on YouTube and then later uploaded ep. 10 here. I might be wrong, I wish I am because I want more GOT episodes hahaha

Débora Silva

And today they already uploaded HxH on YouTube, so later today we might just get a new HxH here 😉

Stannis the Mannis

The world may never know how Maegor passed on anything regarding the prophecy to Jaehaerys I. Such a random plot point.


agreed, i love sansa’s development throughout the show

S Moonchild

sometimes we get a reaction in youtube, but then a day later they put up 2 videos here.


yeah I just know when they drop it if I see the yt notification


bc u didn’t know it back then but it’s totally a major spoiler


Manifesting Fmab 53 td 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🫰🫰🫰🔥


GoT > HotD hehehehhehe


need season 2 ASAP lmao

Anthony Castillo

George RR Martin on Targaryen fire immunity: "TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE!" Martin stressed in a Q&A way back in 1999 (via Time). "The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She… walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold." In the books, Daenerys gets her hair singed off…”


We never get hxh before Friday but who knows 🤭

Zeynep Kaveh

these three eggs were already stolen before Rhenyra's time. in the HOTD timeline the eggs are already in Pentos I think.

Débora Silva

For GOT it is usually like that, but for other shows like HxH I'm not really sure 😝


bc we saw it before hotd was made a lot of people also forgot unless they rewatched got but anyway now that hotd has its own series its a spoiler


I love the Bran storyline. Probably second to Arya for me.

Tyler Sick

Yeah Theon may not be blood but he is family and loyal to his brothers!


On Youtube, GOT is on Tuesdays and Thursdays


History and lore next?


Jack's going to turn into Pycelle if that keeps up


I… also am baffled when ppl undervalue seasons 5 & 6 in comparison to 1-4. Season 6 GOT is PEAK imo. My favorite season of either GOT & HOTD, no contest. And I don’t think that is an unpopular opinion… according to rankings I’ve looked at around the web.


I noticed Jack has a cough.


Ngl If the enemy has my daughters, they’ll just have to kill them. I’m not expecting to get them back.


Yes, Aemma was bathing in barely warm water, Viserys called it warm because it was. Trying to relax in tepid water is not that great haha. But when you are pregnant it is not good for the baby to be submerged in hot water (which is why it is not good to be in a hot tub while pregnant as well). Thats why she said “this is as hot as they will allow” bc any hotter would be bad for her/the baby. Then Viserys jokes that dragons like it hotter, but he was not being literal. You’re right though! Some Targaryens have had special things, more specifically visions and dreams about life/the future & dragon riding. But being immune to fire is not one of them.


Yeah, I know but they’re women they don’t really hold any importance in GOT universe


for some reason Jack seems to always be controversial lol. Bro can’t even cough in peace.

Seth Aasland

the dialogue between Varys and Littlefinger truly is unmatched

Stannis the Mannis

I see what you mean but it is still shortsighted. Recall that in Robert Baratheon’s rebellion that the Tully’s only joined his side because Cat married Ned and Lysa married Jon Arryn. You think Robb wouldn’t benefit from using Sansa as bait to lure another lord to his side? Arya was already used as a bargaining chip for the Frey alliance. I blame HOTD for making it seem like non-dragon riding women have no power.


The comments try not to spoil anything challenge: fail


I really think they should get someone to delete spoilery comments so it’s completely safe for them to scroll through the comments. I suggest Mckay.


Are we getting a season two episode Thursday? :)

alexis ♡︎

@stannis hotd = got s8 is a CRAZY take in my opinion. like in what way bc s8 of got is historically bad. truly a generational fumble. it was like watching the warriors lose the championship to the cavs AT HOME after being up 3-1 (no, i’ll never get over it). say what you will about hot d, but i think a prologue season would have to be kind of unwatchable to be worse than the conclusion that was got s8

Matheus Eduardo Jezini

You're right. HoTD is just a bit boring which GoT never was. Everytime it seems like it's picking up we either have a timeskip or some bullshit happens


wow, what a crazy thing to say. I mean if you watched GOT, so many times women play a major role whether as a bargaining chip or a person. Lannisters got so powerful because they had Cersei as a queen, etc. This is literally how alliances are made or the wars start. Like what is stronger than right marriage because oath sure as hell isn't enough to unite houses. THAT besides the fact that they are literally your children. I would say more but really it would be just spoilers.


What do you mean throughout the show, no one is safe in this show. They could be dead the next episode. Unless you meant to post a spoiler.


Yes! They definitely should get a moderator or stay away from the comments because people are way to spoiler happy.

Arjan Rijvers

You're all asking great questions. Many of which the book readers also don't have clear cut answers to, just hints from the books and theories.


“what human pulled a donkey from shrek?” LMAOOO

Arjan Rijvers

please do the season 1 history and lore next, I think it'll fill in some stuff. It doesn't spoil anything until like way down the line around the season 4/5 history and lore where house of the dragon spoilers start popping up.


Sorry I don’t think I was very clear but I was saying how my opinion of Sansa changed the most out of all the characters from the beginning of season 1 to the end of season 1 and it’s just unfortunate what she had to go through in order to change, but I guess that’s how it works in a world like GOT. (Obviously she isn’t the only one who has suffered that is clear, I just think it has changed my view of her the most) Also I’m aware this is my own opinion and I’m not expecting everyone to agree


Hope they watch it before starting season 2. It’ll help them understand a lot of things tbh

Débora Silva

I think even Jack or McKay should do it for them, since they already seen the show

Débora Silva

In Hotd trailers reaction they said that they already started watching season 2, but they didn't mention anything about the history and lore, so idk but I really want them to react to it


Jacks comments definitely are minor spoilers for example “I don’t remember this scene” kinda implies it’s insignificance in the long run, you can deduce a lot from a comment like that


okay maybe delete this too cause we can’t spell it out for the boys like this


Jack stays explaining things incorrectly😂


Lancel, the guy Cersei was with in this episode is her cousin not her nephew



Raven Sub

Season 2 will explain how Dany knew to hatch the dragons


love how it's only been one season & Brig is fully indoctrinated into Targaryen supremacy 😂 that was me too honestly lol


grrm has said targs are not fire proof and that dany's was a pure magical event. grrm: "the whole point of the scene in a game of thrones where daenerys hatches the dragons is that she makes the magic up as she goes along; she is someone who really might do anything"


I know people keep getting upset with Jack, but a lot of what he says literally isn't a spoiler and only is so if you do mental gymnastics to call it a spoiler. The others can't draw conclusions or tie strings with anything he says. I really think the others need to give Jack the benefit a bit, and suspend their thoughts when thinking about what Jack is or is not spoiling. He absolutely isn't saying anything that is actually a spoiler to them. *EDIT* just assume everything Jack says exists in a realm between the actual story and the presumptions of the others watching. There is no spoiler to find, because you never know if he's referencing the story itself or commenting on the presumption the others are making. *


I always thought they were fire proof except for dragon fire 🤷🏻‍♀️


this isn’t related but i hope you guys consider reacting to the anime jujutsu kaisen at some point! it’s really good

Sherry Porritt

you neeed to watch the lore videos after every season to help you understand the world

Patrick Hannemann

I don't know man, I loved HOTD but it hasn't once brought tears to my eyes like GOT did.

Suada Hassan

You have to react to the lore videos after each season, because it gives you some much insight and background story of the Game of Thrones world.


My comment was directed at someone who answered yours, so sorry if that was unclear! I understood that you meant throughout this season.


🔥Dont feel bad, for not knowing. Please know the show cuts out needed information. We hope as readers prequel shows answer questions this epic episode poised. We know, Dany accidentally performed magic that hatched the dragons. That a blood sacrifice..! . Many Targaryens died trying to hatch stone eggs. SHE IS NOT FIREPROOF. The show screwed that up. Just a one time thing. Just we will help you in situations like this when the showrunners really did a disservice to the larger story. She may have had a dream like Viserys. We don’t know for sure.


In the book they definitely touch on how the whole bringing back the dragons worked so it's not a spoiler. They imply that they are trying to recreate the blood magic that the maegi did on drogo. As they're building the pyre the woman keeps trying to tell Daenerys "it's not going to work, you don't have the wisdom" etc. They have Drogo, his horse and the woman in the pyre, then as it's burning and the eggs are cracking, Deanerys says "only life can pay for life". She basically winged it as a last ditch effort to execute this spell to come back from the terrible situation she was in, and it worked. Idk if this has any merit but for my personal interpretation I feel like the maegi with her singing might've helped complete the magic in her last moments, maybe she was so done with the world that she wanted to bring destruction by bringing back the dragons. In the book they go pretty deep into her mental state as she has basically nothing left to live for anymore and isn't afraid of death

Sean Johnson

Anyone notice on HOTD that the Targaryen actors kind of look like Lizards / Dragons? I believe that the old Targaryen's somehow intermingled with the Dragons through Blood Magic, either the Dragons were sacrificed and the Targaryen's consumed them somehow or the other way around, The Targaryen's sacrificed their offspring to the dragons to get their blood inside the Dragons (to create a connection)... This is why they try to keep the blood pure with incest, so that the Dragons will sense the same blood...