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Additional Bonus Content: February 13, 2024

  • (Female) - Sheva Alomar 15
  • (Female) - Quiet 17
  • (Female) - Cammy 30
  • (Male) - John Rambo 4
  • (Male) - Bryan Fury 30
  • (Male) - Jax Briggs 4
  • (Attack) - Front Headscissor Squeeze 14
  • (Attack) - Reverse Headscissor Squeeze 26
  • (Attack) - Bodyscissor Squeeze 8
  • (Attack) - Flying Headscissor Slam 11
  • (Gif) Loops smoothly(Continuously Strangled) 10
  • (Gif) Ends with kill, then starts over (Neck Snap) 33
  • 2024-02-13
  • —2024-02-16
  • 202 votes
{'title': 'Additional Bonus Content: February 13, 2024', 'choices': [{'text': '(Female) - Sheva Alomar', 'votes': 15}, {'text': '(Female) - Quiet', 'votes': 17}, {'text': '(Female) - Cammy', 'votes': 30}, {'text': '(Male) - John Rambo', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '(Male) - Bryan Fury', 'votes': 30}, {'text': '(Male) - Jax Briggs', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '(Attack) - Front Headscissor Squeeze ', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '(Attack) - Reverse Headscissor Squeeze ', 'votes': 26}, {'text': '(Attack) - Bodyscissor Squeeze ', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '(Attack) - Flying Headscissor Slam', 'votes': 11}, {'text': '(Gif) Loops smoothly(Continuously Strangled)', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '(Gif) Ends with kill, then starts over (Neck Snap)', 'votes': 33}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 16, 13, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 13, 11, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 202}


I've come up with another perk for those on the "Fierce Tier." I'll start by saying I'm bit too ambitious when it comes to Morrigan Pt. 3 and it's going to take longer than I had planned to finish it and even longer with the QTE from that video. So, I've wanted to do a "Fierce Tier" Only GIF with voted characters! Of course, I'm always taking feedback on the idea as I'm always trying to mitigate the wait between larger videos. 

That being said, below are the first group of characters for the GIF. The GIF can be made to loop and I'll try and see if I can make it with sound. You can vote on what move is used, if the GIF has a neck snap or looping stranglehold, and who is involved. One Female and One Male for this one and may differ in the future. Multiple choice, so vote away. This won't take priority of the main projects as I'll use this opportunity to take a break for the Morrigan video and animate something else before I nearly approaching burnout. 

With that said, don't hesitate to let me know what you think and more is on the way. - Conflict



Cammy, Fury, Starts with front headscissor squeeze then finish with flying headscissor slam please


I've liked the side frontal headscissor slap/slam and squeeze GIF of yours with mai shiranui