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So after a bit of organizing, my schedule goes as follows:

Monday - Friday: an average of 8 hours of animating/editing/posting/etc. daily. 

Saturday and Sunday: Off, but will use one day to catch up on projects if need be. I will need one day, at least, to rest and have sometime away from the keyboard. 

This is a rough idea of what I want to do but can adapt depending on how things go. It's 4 times the amount of hours I've put into animating while having a day job, and I can already feel the absence of pressure to continuously work on something. Tomorrow, will be the first official day of being self employed and will have more visual updates on the current projects. Also, I will have an announcement for commissions when I feel comfortable with the work load I can realistically accomplish. Again, as I get a better idea of what I can do and how fast I can complete works, schedule is subject to change. Thank you for the support and more is on the way. - Conflict



This is where the fun begins!


This looks like a very reasonable work schedule^^ It's good to have at least two days off together then separate, that way you'll be able to get fully rested.