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So, I tried to get it out today, but I was feeling burnout was near, so I paced myself. Despite that, I'm roughly 80-85% percent done with animating and have the completed chunks of animation already being worked on in terms of sfx. I think will expedite the process of launching videos since animating can be strenuous and editing sound it much more lax than accurately articulating precise poses and key frames and such.

Also, I still want to stream an animating session so people can get an idea of how I animate and maybe can even learn to start there own work! Of course, I am a fetish artist and what I work on during that stream(s?) will be SFW. This is so I don't get banned out right, but it will still be a fight scene or a headscissors maneuver. Nothing that could misconstrued as anything pornographic or sexual charged, so I've been warned! I've even thought of a behind-the-scenes video for Deviant Art at the very least, but that's to be decided!

I'll be posting updates as I'm nearing the completion of the Sophitia video. I've also made the decision to finish this video before the Ivy QTE's for the "Fierce" tiers. I know I'm behind on those, but I wanted to keep this momentum focused on the Sophitia video.

Thank you as always for the continued support is on the way! - Conflict.

(P.S. - The ideas/suggestions from the last question I had asked for are being implemented into the Sophitia video and future videos as well, so thank you for the feedback!)



Mo Darwish

oof i think my membership ends soon. but no pressure dont tire yourself out. when do you think this will be done? thank you


I'm aiming for Monday hopefully, the Kratos model did give me trouble in the face posing department but I've worked around it.


Glad to hear that! You seem to have really found a good work rate that satisfies you and doesn't wear you out! Also, thank you for considering the ideas we gave you some days ago :)