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Hi everyone :)

We're looking to potentially change up some of our scene styles, and the most important thing of course is, what works best for our supporters!

So, which scene view types would you find most useful for your campaign? Taking into account we'll always have a battlemap to accompany them too.



I'd say my goal with showing my players these images is: give players a sense of the *feeling* of the place. The top down map already has all the detail if I need it. Also, ideally the images are as flexible as possible. So for example, the centurion in the arena adds flavor but narrows the potential usefulness of that scene quite a bit, as it makes very specific who is there. I could use an arena for a ton of stuff, but I can only use an arena with a human centurion in it in a very narrow context.

Kahlia Foster

Exactly this. I love the arena map but for what I want to use it for, I can't use the scene because of the centurion. (The scene is amazing! Just out of context with the addition of them is all)

Tanja Mueller

I would also love some scenes of indoor battlemaps. That would require the 'up close' approach, probably, but it'd be a nice way to spring a combat encounter on my players, to first go from pretty splash art while RP happens to 'haha, battlemap! Roll initiative!'