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A few of these I shared on my IG but some I kept exclusive for patreon 🥰 This dress has a story lol! So when I bought this dress I went out of town to find the perfect one! Drove about 2 hours away to visit this beautiful dress store I’ve always wanted to visit for a few years now. I thought what better time to get a new pretty dress other than Valentine’s Day? So I get all the way home after a long drive back I realize they left the security censor tag clipped on the dress! I was shocked it hadn’t triggered the alarm when I went to leave the store. So with high hopes, I took this dress to every clothing store I could think of near my town. Not a single one could get the censor off! And if I tried removing it myself, there was a big warning printed on the tag saying INK will explode if you try to take it off by hand”

Luckily my mom and dad had planned on going back to that same town for their 26 anniversary date and were able to take it back to the store and get the tag removed for me. Thank goodness! The store even gave $30 back to me for the trouble and a 15% off coupon for my next visit. So I was happy it all worked out. ☺️

I love this dress! It even had pockets. 😍


Brown eye filter wooo!! Love it 🥰
My Valentine’s Day jewelry! Heart bracelet from my mom! 😍


Mike Al

Correction .I should say ; It’s not matter what kind of a dress you were .Your Beaty makes dress pretty .Not to dress make you pretty .

Mike Al

One more correction It doesn’t matter what kinda of dress you are wearing .