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Unboxing sweeet books 📚



I'm sure Madi gave out your PO box unknowingly and unaware that you already decided that you would stop doing that, but I think at that point it was already said and done. Hopefully it won't be an issue but maybe you should consider getting a new one, just to be safe. I know who got you the Heritage Kit and how excited they were to give it to you! It will be so cool and exciting to see your results on your second channel! I agree with IH that one of the best things is to see the reaction of the person you gave a gift too but I also understand it gets hard to remember who's ok with that publicly or not. I think doing that on Patreon would be good idea to those that are OK with it. I'm always so happy and appreciative when you do decide to do an unboxing for me, however it isn't the only reason why I do it and it isn't required or obligated of you. As long as I know you are happy with it that's what matters to me. Thanks for another exclusive, Prims!

Charlie Jenkins

*gasp* I know Robert McKee's Dialogue! It's THE book on the subject. There are thousand flimsy writing books out there that just tell you common sense stuff. But, I couldn't recommend an author that has more specific, applicable insights than McKee. That book might be more detail than you actually want to know right now. But if you get serious about writing it won't be a waste of your time. P.S. McKee would tell you that the reason you can't continue your story is that you haven't decided what you want to say. He would recommend figuring out what you care about first. What makes you emotional? How do you wish the world was different? What do you wish other people understood or cared about as much as you do? Once you know the answer, ask yourself what plot and characters would best allow you to portray that. Finishing things should become easier.