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Sooo, my dad has been talking to me about investing in a different mic. Now, I’ve went back and forth on this because I got to be in a “comfort zone” with my blue yeti, and felt like I still needed to perfect my technique with it, before moving on to something different) but after hearing his thoughts and ideas, I finally made a decision to just GO FOR IT. As of now, my very next purchase is going to be the Rode Microphones! ❤️ (If all goes well, I should have enough saved by the beginning of March and it’ll be on its way to me!) Now, I know I’m going a little out of order with my goals, because I was going to get a new laptop very next thing.. but I feel like this is the right choice and I’m going with my gut instinct on this one! 🤩



🙂 For sure!! & not only that, I’ll be able to start really working on making the basement studio room a studio! There’s so much I want to do with it though, so I’m happy to be starting somewhere! 🤩

Jay Milligan

As someone who is around a lot of studio equipment, I can attest that mic quality makes a bigger difference that you might realize until make a comparison. I used a mic on my last album that I really liked. On the album we are working on now, the recording engineer suggested this new mic that was 4 times the price. I was pretty convinced I wanted to use the first one. He set up 4 mics to test out, both of the 2 in question and 2 others. There was no contest. The one I liked on the first album was the last one I wanted to use. You really get what you pay for with pro audio gear. That being said, I think it's wonderful that your family is so supportive of what you do and that they offer encouragement and constructive criticism. <3 I'm also pleased that I can be a part of your success! We all love ya, Prim!