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I wanted to share this with you all first, before I put the link to it on my channel or anything. I know some of you don't use instagram or facebook, but DO use twitter...so I decided to go ahead and join. :)

I'm very new to this, so I'm not sure if I will post much at first. BUT, I'm going to try! (I've told many of you about me not being use to using multiple social medias... That being said, I'm taking it slow and working out a way I can make it work for me while still staying comfortable! I think this will be a positive change..and am looking forward to giving it a try! 

See some of you pals on Twitter! :D 



Matt “TaterTot” Coe

Yesss!!!! Another source for GIF replies to all you posts lol!

Danny Boy

I started my Joey Medusa Twitter account back in January, I only posted once and then just kinda forgot about it (suffice to say I've been way more active on Instagram). So I guess now is as good a time as any to begin actually using it, lol. 😁👍