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Hello there guys!
Well this is the last build of 2023 so it's amazing to see another year going by and all this has been possible thanks to you!

This time I'm going to send the updates with the links embedded in the post as I used to do time ago because I'm going to be out of home visiting some relatives for the holidays, so if at any moment you see any kind of error message coming from Onedrive telling that the file isn't available or doesn't exist don't worry, just wait some minutes and try again. 

That error happens when there are too many simultaneous downloads and no matter we have a paid account that should have a high limit. Hopefully next year we'll look for a better service.

And now some not very good news because today Wolfstar told me that he got the damn covid too, so please send him your cheers guys.  Fortunately both Wolfstar and Dyne are vaccinated so that should make the covid much less problematic, however it's a shitty situation for them because it's an annoying plague no matter what.

My very best wishes for you for the coming holidays, I hope that 2024 have a great start for you all so I'll see you all next year. BIG HUGS!


Evan Downing

I hope wolfstar and dyne get well soon!


Thanks man! they are both vaccinated so that should avoid the worse part of the process but it's still a very annoying sickness that makes them feel exhausted all the time.

Leighton Fincham

Hope they both get well soon ^_^ have a merry Christmas too


Hope they get well soon! Can't wait for the next chapter!