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Hello there guys ! Well week is almost over and the next update will be ready by Sat as planned.

Among other news I`m thinking about adding a couple of things to Middleweight and Heavyweight Classes but I`ll have to wait until the anim I`m working on is ready to test a few things first because I need to find the most compatible formats for everybody.

In any case, Middleweight Class members will have access to animations in normal resolution and for the Heavyweight Class members the anims will come in HI Resolution and I`ll include WIP and Extra clips with takes from different angles and so.

I hope you have a great day [hugs]  



Por favor, piensa también en los patreons visitors ;).


My that is great news. Here is hoping you keep having fun working on all these projects and it never get old to you.

Wolfie Randolf

Great news indeed! I too hope you have all the fun in the world with this new venture.