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Hello there guys!

Yesterday I got a message from Wolfstar telling me that the area of Texas where he lives has been under a strong snowstorm this past days and because of that they had a major power outage.
As far as he told me they're still without power so there's a chance I may have to delay the posting of the next build of the game a couple of days so I'll let you know as soon as I get some more news from Wolfstar.
However that'll only affect the new build since I hope to be posting everything else  this coming Sat 20th as usual.
Sorry if we have to delay the game's new version a couple of days but this was a completely unexpected situation so if any of you is also affected by this storm I hope you all be well.
Take care and I'll keep you updated as soon as I get some more news.  Thanks a lot guys!



I hope so, I still haven't received any other message from him so we still aren't sure if we'll have to delay the demo a bit or not. But I hope that after two days of being without power and water the issue with that can be close to be solved.

Leighton Fincham

We hope for his safety first of all, I'm sure the delay of house of beef for a couple of days wont kill us, peoples lives always come first


Please don't apologize. There really is no reason to. This is something well out of anyone's control. There is no way any of you could have predicted this would happen. We understand and all we care about is that Wolfstar is safe and is staying warm. Beyond that we are fine. We care about all of you very much and realize without all of you there would be no game. You matter even more to us than the game. So we are all more than happy to wait for it when its ready and not before. So please if yall need to take this month of by all means do it. We know its not a good situation for Wolfstar and he is far more important than the game releasing on time. We love yall so much and just want the best for all of you. Yall are amazing and such wonderful people. Please wish Wolfstar the best for us all and tell them they are in our prayers. Let them know they have countless people praying for them. Wishing yall the best. Please take care and know we love yall so much. Thanks for the heads up but never feel like you have to apologize for stuff that is outside your control. If 2020 showed us anything is we cannot take anything for granted and we should always be prepared for the worst as we pray for the best. Take care and BIG HUGS <3

Glyn Wolf

The situation in Texas is so serious that I would completely understand delaying the release by a week or even more! The weather isn't set to improve until late Thu or early Friday, and even after that the damage that's been done to infrastructure like power and water will take a while longer to fix. We all need to be understanding right now and allow Wolfstar to focus on the safety of him and his loved ones. Thank-you for all the wonderful entertainment you've given us. In this situation, though, please do take care of yourselves first!


Thank you very much, my friend and yeah, it was an unexpected situation that was impossible to prevent so all we can do is wait until things gets back to normal. In any case Wolfstar and his mate are well so that's what counts. Thanks a lot again [HUGGGGGGS]


That's right, so I hope everything will go back to normal soon. It seems it wasn't just a common snowstorm but they're alright so that's what matters.


You're the best my friend. I truly do wish you and the team the best. I hope everything gets better soon for them and that things get back to normal soon. Yall deserve the best. *BIG HUGS to you and the team my friend* <3


OMG, we have to wait...................Ha Ha All good as long as everyone is Ok, That's what counts the most. You guys have never let us down with updates so one every now and then is no big deal, If you have to put it off for another month and make it twice as big, I'm all for it. Shit happens.


Thank you very much man [HUGS] I don't think it'll be necessary to hold it an entire month since all the artwork and writing is complete, we were working in the build so that's what's on hold until Wolfstar have power again. I plan to be posting the extras and anims as usual.