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  And it’s anim time again so for this month you have the wip of the updated version of an anim with Oscar and Simon from Hardworkers and as usual another longer wip clip of Sarge’s show anim. 

Work in the bear’s clip keeps going on and there are lots of things to do but everything keeps going as planned.
Hopefully I’ll be editing and extending some sections of the whole clip and make it longer so stay tuned!

Thanks so much to you all for your support, guys.
Take care, be safe and my best wishes for you all, see ya next month!


Anims 23.zip

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Hi! you are so talented artist, thank you for sharing great works! initially I explored some of your videos on youtube and then found patreon page. This animation so perfectly done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqxso_5lW4A, but it was 9 years ago, I want to ask you to share HQ of this and maybe some other workout/flexing versions with this character, please. Do you keep them in archives?


Thank you very much for your kind comment man!! I'm glad you liked my works! About your question regarding that anim, sorry but that's the highest resolution I have for it right now. Since I did it a long time ago that's the best that my old cpu back then could handle. I still have the file but to have a higher res of it I'd have to update and fix some of the materials and textures plus I'd have to render the entire clip again and that'd take a lot of time. Right now, the work I'm doing for the game and the current anims are taking all the spare time I can find but maybe sooner or later I'll do a newer version of that one with the updated models I have now ^_^