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And the Android one is here too.



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Ummm the android version is not work am i doing something wrong?


Its keep saying unable to scan %1$s


Is it giving you that error during the installation or after that?


Sometimes random errors happens depending of the device, since there are so many models, it's impossible to make the Android version fully compatible with them all. What device are you using and did you see any other kind of error.


Oh and its giving me the error when im trying to install it


I'll ask Wolfstar about that error to see if he can give me any idea. Will reply asap


I just talked with Wolfstar and he told me it's the first time he sees that error, he also told me that downloading an "android ap player" might help. I'm not not sure of what that is since my knowledge of android is near zero. Also using a different apk installer app could help. I hope any of this makes sense for you and helps. He will keep looking into it so if he finds out something else he will send me a note.

Leighton Fincham

Another amazing addition to the house of beef ^_^ but you do have an art of cutting off a good scene right when you want it to continue ^_^ I guess you will always keep us on the edge of our seats till another month goes by love the work again so much, the animation on the leg scene is very well made too, so thank you again for another amazing addition


Hehehehehe ohhh yeah, you could say I love cliffhangers ^_^ I guess I have a little evil side after all. And thank you very much, man! I'm glad you liked the update. Some surprises will be coming as soon as I can. Take care !

Leighton Fincham

^_^ I can appreciate good cliffhangers that's why I love this so much, I look forward to seeing your surprises, thi I can guess one or two cliffhangers before that lol, thanks care too. Also I may be looking for a commission from you in the future.


Heheheheh, you must be reading my mind, ^_~ be careful not to go too deep. There are naughty things down there, LOL ^_^ Sooner or later I hope to take commissions again but right now it's hard for me to find the time since I want to dedicate as much time as I can to the game. But as the models I need gets done I hope to be having more time.

Leighton Fincham

Oh it's not mind reading, it's just me able to see your thought patterns through your work ^_~ I understand that you need to dedicate yourself into this project first hope to see more amazing things in the future.


That makes sense ^_~ so the cliffhangers will keep coming ^_^ The things I have in mind needs a lot of work but it'll be fun so some surprises will be coming asap.

Leighton Fincham

Oh you big tease ^_~ I can guess the sort of things you have in mind and I bet there quite big sex scenes, which are hard and take a lot of work ^_^ if only I could suprise you as much lol


Thank You for this wonderful update. Is him getting the bulge again the big cliffhanger?


Thank you very much ! I'm glad you liked it. And yeah I could say that's the cliffhanger this time. Not a huge one but big enough ^_~