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And here's the version for Android users. Since there are so many Android devices around, it's impossible for us to make a version that works 100% well in all of them, so if you find any glitch or error, please send me a message including the error's text and also let me know what device model did you use. Thanks!



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Leighton Fincham

Amazing work as always, glad to see your time in quarantine hasnt affected the amazing quality of your work, so pleased for you and love the new update tho I wish it didnt stop where it did I wanted more ^_^


Thank you very much, my friend, I'm glad you liked it ^_^ I would've loved to make it longer but since I had some extra time to work in the art I preferred to add a couple of anims and a new guy. And Chuck's day with Jul is far from over heheheh ^_^ Take care

Leighton Fincham

I noticed the anims they were great ^_^ and I'm sure a day with chuck can last a lifetime he he and I'm sure to keep supporting you while it goes on


Thank you for the release. Glad being in quarantined, we still have some joy and happiness. Also i cant download, it says unable to scan


Thanks a lot man! Hmm I never heard of that error but I'll ask Wolfstar to see if he knows something about it. Just in case, what he already told me about how to install it, he told me to use any APK installer available in the Google store. Since all of them are good for that just pick the highest rated one. I hope this helps


This helped, thank you. If you could make a autosave feature? I finished the first start and it started me over but now its starting me over. Idk why?


I'll ask Wolfstar about the autosave to see what can be done about that. Not sure if I understand what you said about the game starting over though, do you see any error message?


No error message. After the first part before the update, it sent me to the main menu but now, it sent me to the very beginning even with the save data. But I was able to skip


Maybe something in the savegame structure changed, not sure but I'll ask Wolfstar tomorrow to see if he knows anything about that. Since there are so many different devices there are chances that some glitches appears in some models and in others don't


hello Mr. Braford, I cannot go back to the main title. Once the game opened, It would reload to the last played scene instead of the main title so it's impossible to have a new start.


Hi there. Do you see any kind of error when the game does that? Also any kind of info you can send me about it will help to fid out what the problem is. Also what device model are you using? I'll send you the info to Wolfstar tonight to see if that can be fixed. Thanks !