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Hello there guys ^_^ This is a little bonus with the first image of something I've been working on since a few weeks ago.

After a long series of test I'm putting together some new shaders and materials for the guys and here's a comparison I did with one of Oscar's sprites to show you the difference.
There's still some testing to do but I'm happy with the results so far.
Now the funny part is that I hope to upgrade all the sprites in the coming versions but not sure I can have everything for the next one because there are tons of sprites and aside from rendering I'll have to rename everything to match the actual ones and nothing but the look changes.

This won't affect the game's schedule because it's something I' doing as extra.
If the sprite upgrades works well, with time I hope to do the same with the backgrounds and then with the special sequences. Anims and so, but that'll take time so let's keep walking one step at a time. 

I hope you like this little sample of what's coming.




He does look a bit taller, less shading that makes his fur look darker in places. Make his hips seem slimmer as well.

Lord Memnar

I mean I can't not like this. There is no reality that exists where I hate this change.


Actually the model is exactly the same in both samples and so is the pose and the lighting. In the second one the skin material renders in a more accurate way ^_^


Thank you very much ^_^ It'll take some time until all the sprites have their upgraded look but I'm working on that ^_^


My English is not perfect but I love your work


you will always have support for your project


Thank you very much, man and don't worry, my english isn't perfect either.

Leighton Fincham

Look great it's nice to see how an artist evolves there work.


Just wanted to comment since I've been interested in this game since the first couple public demos. I've been playing a lot of VNs on Steam & itch but this one still stands out to me compared to a lot of them due to the effort put into it, so I decided to pledge and support this. Excited to see the progress in development :)


Thank you very much, man. I really appreciate what you said and I'm glad you liked the game so far. ^_^


esta genial yo le doy un 100%


Se ve interesante! Ese material parece reaccionar mejor a la iluminacion, asi que Oscar perdio su bronceado jaja. A ver que tal se miran los demas.


Por cierto si van a cambiar algunas de las imagenes de personaje deberian considerar reducir el tamaño de los png. La aplicacion de android esta muy cerca de pesar el gigabyte! Es un poco exagerado en mi opinion pero tambien reducir ese tamaño haria necesario cambiar el codigo de Renpy y seria un trabajo un poco tedioso. Ojala lo puedan considerar (la memoria de mi telefono sufre jeje)