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Since some months ago I have been also working in what's going to be the next story you'll see here, but instead of a traditional comic, this time I'll be going for a Visual Novel, so this is how "Stories from The House of Beef" begins.    

This story will have my big pup Julian as main character hoping for an change in his life thanks to a new job's opportunity, in a place we know well.

I hope that this will be something that'll keep growing as the time goes, with lot of things going on (including adult fun of course), and not only around the gym where this guys spends a lot of their time.

This is the very first time I work in something like this and as far as I've seen during the past months it looks like it's going to be the most challenging project I've ever worked in but I'm sure it'll be fun.   

A bit more than a year ago, building the 5 characters that were part of Hardworkers was quite a challenge, but thanks to the many things learned during the process I have been able to improve the way I work so the number of characters that are now ready to be part of this new tale is of 18 and even more will be added as the time goes, including animated sequences. 

I hope to be introducing some of the new guys in the coming weeks but I'll let you discover most of them inside the game ^_~ I don't want to spoil too much about what's going to happen.

Since programming isn't among my skills this time I'll be having the help of Wolfstar (creator of Sins and Paradise), a good and talented friend that will be using his coding magic to bring this baby to life and I also have to thank DyneWulf, creator of Extracurricular Activities for his help as well. And in case you haven't seen the great works they're doing here are their links so you visit their sites.

https://www.patreon.com/Wolfstar     (Sins and Paradise)

 https://www.patreon.com/dk999    (Extracurricular Activities) 


This project has proven to be not only challenging but also time demanding, and way much more than Hardworkers used to be so, the rewards will be posted monthly instead of smaller weekly packs and I'll also make the following changes in the current reward tiers as well.

1- $2 Tier (Visitor Access): From now on I hope to be doing a set of at least 3 monthly images along with their alternate versions and I'll be posting them in this tier when the monthly update comes. 

I still have to see how much time will I need to do each set but in this case, there's a chance I can be posting them as they're ready each week. 

2- $5 Tier (Lightweight Class): This tier will be renamed as Gaming Access and you'll be getting the previous rewards along the monthly version of the game here.  

3- $10 tier (Middleweight Class): This tier will be renamed as Gaming & Backstage Access and this will be the highest reward tier available for this project.

Along with the first tier's rewards and the monthly update of the game you'll be getting a bonus pack of behind the scenes images, pre production test renders of each month's version. 

If there's enough time I hope to include animations in this tier, when they're ready of course.

4- $20 Tier (Heavyweight Class): This tier will be renamed as "The archive" and will still be available in case that anybody wants to get the rewards of Hardworkers that are already posted, but keep in mind that I won't be making any new posts for this class at least for the coming months.

All this game related stuff is all new to me and right now, creating the things needed for the game are taking a big load of time and that will be my priority.

But if things goes well and I have the time, I'll do my best to create enough extra goodies to make this category active again. In any case I'll let you know.

So if you're already supporting me in this tier, please adjust your pledges before August 1st so you're not charged with that fee again, and of course, I want to give you a HUGE thanks for having supported me in this level.


I hope to be posting the first working version of the game around Aug 20th aprox.

Since this is the first build there's a lot of work to be done to get everything in place so after the first version is ready I'll have a better idea of  the time it takes to get each update ready and plan ahead the coming rewards.

So I hope to be having some more news about the development in the coming weeks.

So to all of you who decide to support me in this new adventure, my deepest thanks and my best wishes. Thanks a lot guys. [HUGS] ^_^



Zato Bull

I am so excited for this project!!! And the new rottie is a real hottie too ;] can't wait to see this develop.

Lord Memnar

Vn are my new form of addictive substance. :-D


Nice! It's definitely a giant pile of work, but I bet the result will be worth it.


Thank you very much my friend. I never imagined myself doing something like this and it wouldn't have been possible without Wolfstar's magic coding skills so this is all new for me. but it's a very welcomed challenge for sure ^_^


Ohhhh yeah, I never guessed the amount of work that needs to be put into this games to make them work so this is going to be really challenging experience


So happy for you my friend. Each day your talent and drive continues to grow. I love seeing you push yourself to grow and its so cool to see your talent grow. This comic was so amazing and wonderful can only imagine what is coming and how it will blow our minds. Truly you are pushing your talent and even taking on some help to branch out even further is really cool. I can only imagine how this will all look and feel. I'm just so happy for you as it sounds like you are having so much fun. Thanks so much for pushing yourself so hard and sharing those fruits of your efforts with all of us. Truly you are such a wonderful man with oodles of talent and drive. Truly someone we can all look up too. *Gives his friend a BIG BIG HUG* "Wishing you all the best always and forever my wonderful friend. Truly you are an inspiration to us all. And hoping life continues to treat you to the best it has to offer."


18 beefy guys?!?! I just can guess one of the new guys but I really want to see who are we going to find No new unknows guys? I'm guessing all of them are known guys of yours?


Yep. There's a bit of everything, New guys, old ones coming into 3D for the first time and updated ones ^_^


I'm really glad you liked it my friend, thanks a lot for all and I hope you be alright there ^_^ [BIG HUGS] !!