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Okay, the Bovine guys won the first poll so now it's time to choose the lucky one that will be jumping to the 3D world but...

Since I forgot to add a couple of species in the first poll and since they're all horned horny fellas here you have the list of candidates to pick. 

[IMPORTANT] I also included an image with references of all of them. Since I haven't used some of this guys in AGES I picked images that were around the same year when I drew them all to make it fair.

As far as I see the polls here can't display images yet so you'll find a link to the sample image at the bottom of the poll's window.

One more thing, there are some cases like Gus that already have their 3D version but since the rig, skin and render engine I'm using now is completely different even they will need a full rework in case that they're lucky enough to win this one. 

So it's voting time again guys. You've time until Tuesday's night.




No Elliot?


I'm so happy to see any of them. Sat here for a while unable to decide. I love all your characters and it came down to two in the end. It was so hard to choose between Gus and Milo for me. I fell for them both so long ago and it was so hard to pick between both hunks. I eventually fell on one even though it hurt to pick only one. But regardless of that it truly is a joy to see your wonderful guys come to life in a new form. I'm so happy and so excited to see them. Thank you so much for all that you do. You are the best and a gift to us all. ^_^ <3 <3 <3 <3


It was hard to pick between so many of them but I went with Gus. I love his white fur colors.


was hard to choose... but your biggest boy Jack won me over... hehe even because my little racing mind finds him the most suited to be "expected at Sam's house" heheh


Nope, I hope to redesign the barbarian ones so by now they're on vacations ^_^


Thank you very much bud you're super sweet ^_^ and don`t worry, sooner or later all of them will have their chance ^_^


Well, he has good chances as far as I see ^_^ we``'ll see what happens in the coming days ^_~


What a shame. About the poll, I would like to see Jack but I think I want to see Dennis more so I'm gonna vote for him :)


Ohhh but I never said that the winner was going to show up at Sam's place ^_^ we'll see what happens with that in a future ^_^


Oh yeah. Jack and Gus already have had 3D models but Dennis no so I really hope he wins :D

Wolfie Randolf

haha. I'm Actualy a Jack fan too.. the bigger the better in my book... (mmm, if only he were even bigger :P~~~ ) lol


At some point I'd love to see all of your guys redone in 3-D. ;3


Many thanks man and now that you mention size, he's the biggest one of all my guys ^_^