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LIFE UPDATE: My surgery is either on 8th March or on 20th, roughly a week before and after my period. My hiatus depends on when I'll get the surgery done. But I'll continue posting on Patreon, don't worry~~ I just won't update on LINE Webtoon because I may not be able to post on timely manner, but after making full recovery I can cram a month worth of workloads in two weeks to make new episode and special contents for Patreon. The surgery will only affect my half lower so I'm positive I can draw without problems :"D

See you soon~! ^^




Isn't Seunggyo's wolf stronger than his father and grandfathers? And didn't he make peace with his wolf?

Ealhya C.

Don’t overextend yourself, your health must come first. All of we can wait. On the note of what going on, I actually don’t want Gyo to be the one to take on the burden of taking his grandpa down. Because that just not fair to our little bunny. I believe the best outcome is for dad and his third brother to join hands, seeing that the first bro is as bad as their dad. And also maybe truly a good campaign of public airing of dirty laundry by dad too. He must raised to the occasion of protecting his son and the memory of the woman he love. Because I can tell that in his own twisted way he let Gyo go to protect him, because he never wanted to abused him in the first place.