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Jaewon's wolf just outed his deepest desire lol.... having a dream daddy. :3




I read a comment mentioning Minhyuk's personality changed compared to his first appearance.... it's on purpose. Neutralizer is supposed to shed off Alpha traits including any ounce of aggression and assertiveness ^^"

Minhyuk, since his first draft, had always been the 'Everyperson/Orphran' archetype of Jungian personality archetypes. He's supposed to be a level-headed, solid-citizen kind of person, who can be stern at times especially when he's in 'older-brother mode', but deep inside he's selfless to the point of being a doormat. 

Oh, fun fact, Jinsoo's Jungian archetype is The Hero and Seunggyo is The Innocent, I actually use Jungian's archetype theory to build their characters because I can see their fear and desire. For example, Seunggyo's fear as The Innocent is to be punished for doing something bad, in the comic his fear is realized with him hurting his father and Minhyuk in front of Jinsoo. Minhyuk's weakness is losing one's own self in an effort to blend in, and it's realized by him taking the neutralizers. Jinsoo's fear is being vulnerable and it's realized when he's trapped by the Rogue Alphas. I guess that's why some readers think my characters are almost human-like? Because I do use psychology theories when creating them, also with a dash of imaginations ^^




This is so good. Backed by research 💙