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Episode 84 is pretty heavy so I split it in two... this is the peak of the conflict in the comic, afterward readers (and myself too) can let out a little sigh of relief TTwTT


EP 82 full-color will come soon, I'll post it before I go to a staycation with my mom. I think I'll still take my drawing tablet and computer (I honestly would feel anxious if I don't draw for a day because it's a big part of my routine) but I'm not sure if the internet is good there, because I'll stay in quite an insolated mountain resort. I live in a big city and my home wifi hasn't been good I have to use my mobile phone as a hotspot, I suppose the mountain would have worse connection @_@

See you soon! ^^




Yes, you've got a point. Neither I am native and I DO have problem with articles. I wanted to help with correcting authornim with smth I'm sure is correct, I didn't mean to sound smart or mean.


Thank you soooo so much for your updates, worth every penny i spent here🥺


persons can be correct though when deliberately referring to humans individually rather than collectively.