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I hope everyone is doing well in this current situation! I have to go on mandatory quarantine because I just returned from a trip to Thailand and Malaysia.... also, one of my neighbor caught the virus. So our neighborhood is shutting in until 31st March anyway. I'm used to not going out and seeing people (been practicing social distancing since forever) but for about a week I was having constant nausea and was too afraid to go see a doctor @_@ Pretty sure it's not the virus, no flu no fever whatever, but I don't wanna go see a doctor then be quarantined in a hospital... turned out I was nauseous from medicines+supplements side effect. Minoxidil in particular (I was trying to treat my alopecia...) I'm not taking any meds or supplements for 2 days and the nausea just disappear... though I still have rapid breathing and heartbeat. I hope it go away soon. TT___TT

I'm sorry for rambling, I just want to talk but at the same time I'm scared talking one to one? Uh. Anyway. I'll catch up with you guys later. Please take care and stay hydrated!  TTwTT




Thank you for updating reading your story always makes me happy


I don't think nauseousness is part of the symptoms of Covd 19