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I know most Omegaverse (and the general people I think??) think that pheromones is like "sexual allure" but in my Omegaverse, no, pheromones isn't always about sex! Pheromones is 'chemical language' that connects the people as a community. For example, a scared Omega will 'scream' "Help me!" through their scent and nearby people will notice, then urged to help him/her. 

An Alpha uses their scent to assert  domination. When an Alpha rubs his scent on you, they're marking you as "theirs". A territorial leader must walk around their territory to make their scent linger around. Their scent also changes rapidly depends on their mood, for example, relaxed Seunggyo smells like honey citron tea and ocean breeze, but a jealous, angry Seunggyo smells like burnt salt and sour lime.

The stronger, more overwhelming an Alpha' scent is, the more powerful their pheromones... which means they affect people around them much easier. Just see how Jaewon affects Jinsoo without even trying. And Jinsoo knows the consequence of letting such strong Alpha in his pack. Jaewon will assert his dominance in the pack. Jinsoo may be dethroned. :(

But can he say no to such strong Alpha, now that he's in his weak, freshly-marked state?




Hahaah! I just thought of something really random and weird😂 I bet Alphas who have nasty and intense scents probably don’t have many friends. Just imagine having a friend that constantly smells like trash and having to smell their scent everytime you hang out with them. 👏👏NASTY!! (This makes no sense😂)

Eddie Fly

The last panel made me think of the big bad wolf.