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Helloooo!!  <3

I'm sorry for not giving any update :( I'm not dead (yet) or abandoning this project, it's just.... I injured myself on that day I posted EP39 while moving furnitures. It's my own fault though, my shoulder ligament was dislocated and even until today I couldn't lift up my upper arm without pain but at least I can draw to finish this episode, even if it's slower. I just think that it would upset people if I post without giving any new episode, so I stay quiet until I have something to give.... thanks for people who reach out to me! Sorry to make you all worried. :(

Also, I know I don't make enough rewards last month so ALL Patrons including former ones will get rewards through this whole year. Active Patrons get more monthly rewards ofc, but I prolong the benefit time to make up for the lack on content. Hmm maybe I needed 2 months of hiatus instead of one  ;;____;;

Part 2 along with download link is coming soon!!



Evlynn Karter

Aww I hope you feel better! Please take care of yourself first! ❤️

Toxxic Ginger

I’m sorry you hurt your shoulder! I injured one of mine doing pull ups in the gym back in February and I’m still recovering from it. Shoulder injuries are hard to heal because we use them so much! Please take time to care for it and rest. Your health should always come first. 💜