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...I actually shed a tear while drawing Jinsoo and Minhyuk's part because... uh.... Jinsoo crying makes me sad.... like I started this story as comedic fluff and now he's crying omg I'm a bad author :( I'll give you happy ending no worries Jinsoo honey :( :( :(

I'm so glad most Patrons vote Minhyuk to react calmly! Less drama, yes, but more logical too considering Minhyuk's "responsible hyung" personality. He did let his Alpha instincts take over for a bit, but he's not mad at Jinsoo or Seunggyo, he's angry at himself for failing to protect Jinsoo.  :(

See you on next episode! One more episode to sketch, then I'll start inking and color >.<



Mia Yamazaki

You scared the baby bad Minni

Mikaela Faye

minmin noooo bad minmin🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭