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I read a reader's comment speculating about Dr. Choi Hyungseok having a kind of watered-down sociopathy, because he seems to be okay putting Jinsoo (and Minhyuk. and Seunggyo. and Jaewon. and most likely Seojoon too) in danger, even if he cares, he doesn't show it.

Yep, Hyungseok is kind of 'off', but it's just the way Beta were 'trained' in the past.... they're trained to be intelligent, but emotionless robots.

After presenting themselves, Beta were enrolled to special training classes. They were given Red Pills that could render them immobile for few hours, but during these few hours their brain capacity was maximized so they could literally remember everything taught to them, from basic hierarchy rules to complex algorithm. Kinda like brainwashing.

[obviously referencing to those red pills on  BTS'  N.O MV aha~] 

Emotions were considered 'distracting' during their classes, so they're also given tranquilizer on daily basis. This practice was common on older generation such as Dr. Choi Hyungseok.

So nah, Hyungseok isn't a sociopath or a lowkey psycho, he's just taught to focus on his goal (the experiment) and to put aside his emotions, even though he does care about his subjects as a person. He's actually an anxious, depressed person with pent-up emotions living on tranquilizers to keep himself 'fine'.

Younger generation (such as Yoon Jisung and Park Jungshin) have the rights to choose careers, and tranquilizers aren't mandatory.  Jungshin chose to take these 'magic pills' as he's a naturally loud, jittery, hyperactive boy and he wanted to be calmer to "fit in". Jisung on the other hand, doesn't care about fitting in.

Instead of emotionless robots, new generation Beta are taught to be "efficient, quick, precise."

Also I can't draw action scenes but I tried u_u



Sonia Velasquez

Oh Jisung!!! My beloved hero 💖💖😻😻

MIJIN [Felicia]

idk if anyone noticed but Jinsoo's major fighting style is jiujitsu. He doesn't have big muscles so he utilizes speed. Manipulates opponent's center of gravity for his advantage. Mainly uses kick and tackles. Jisung's major style is krav maga. Always strike vital points (has a thing for neck). Jisung chose to learn it because he can teach it to both boys and girls for self-defense :<