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When mating season begins, there's a big difference between how our beloved Omega Leader-nim Choi Jinsoo and the ruler of neighbor territory, Yoon Jisung, anticipate it.

Jinsoo go on patrols. His pack members would guard their territory 24/7, on shifts, checking on every unmated Omega to make sure they make home safely. 

Jisung, however, encourages the Omega in his territory to fight back. He teaches them self-defense and how to use various weapons. Jisung's territory is the largest in Daegu - almost a quarter of the town - yet also the most unstable due to those angry young Alphas who deem themselves "more deserving" of the Leader title and constantly try to take down Jisung, making it impossible for him to control his territory all the time. But it's OK - North Gate Omega are bad bitches, so bad they scare nasty horny Alpha away!

In short, Jinsoo treats Omega as weaklings who need protection. Jisung, however, believes everyone has potential to be a bad bih.

Jisung's role here is to make Jinsoo realize the potential.  ;)




Woo go Jisung leadernim~!


I really like this storyline! I love strong omegas fighting back!! Thanks for making this