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[SPOILER] so, I made a mini quiz about Seunggyo, and ask what is his trigger.... his trigger is, generally, pain. and the most painful thing for him is his childhood memories about his broken family.

Seunggyo has an abusive father who thinks violence is the way to raise an Alpha son. Han Seunghyun, the father, physically, mentally abuse his son in order to make him strong. 

Jinsoo knew, and promised to protect him from Seunghyun. But he couldn't always be there. They lived nearby, but still separated by tall walls of the Han's mansion. Seunggyo then learned to deal with pain by "shutting down" himself. His 'wolf' - his 'survival mode' - would take over and bear the pain. He'd forget whatever upsets or pains him, as the wolf protect him from painful memories.

But when the pain is too much, the Wolf will fight back.

And that's what happened 3 years ago, when Seunggyo's Wolf snapped and attacked his father. Seunghyun almost got killed that day, if Jinsoo didn't come and helped Seunggyo to switch back to his normal self.

After the incident, 19 years old Jinsoo fought against Seunghyun for custody.

Both  Seunggyo's stepmother, Junghwa, and him, threatened to report Seunghyun to police for child abuse if he didn't let Jinsoo take Seunggyo with him.

That's how Jinsoo became Seunggyo's legal guardian. To achieve the status, Jinsoo must be an Alpha. He'd lose Seunggyo if his cover is blown, but thankfully Seunggyo is soon to be 18, he'd no longer need an Alpha legal guardian.

Though, Jinsoo may lose a lot more than just custody if Seunggyo knows he's an Omega.... 

Seunggyo's trust.

Jinsoo was the only person Seunggyo could trust. When his father and whole family degraded him for being too 'soft' and 'feminine' for an Alpha, he believed in Jinsoo's words instead, that he didn't need to act like a brute to be an Alpha. When people mocked his 'girly' hobbies - cooking and making handicrafts - he trusted Jinsoo who said art wasn't just girl thing, that a guy who play with sharp knives in a heated room is not girly. When Seunggyo hated his "pure-breed Alpha" status, scared that he might grow to a heartless monster like his father, Jinsoo reassured him that Alpha could be kind, too. "Look at me. Am I a monster? Nah. Your father is a bad example, don't follow him. Just look at me, Seunggyo." And Seunggyo did. He looked up to him, repeatedly saying "I will grow to a cool Alpha like Jinsoo hyung!"

Jinsoo is afraid he'd hurt his baby too much with his lies. He just want Seunggyo to grow as a normal kid, to have a good role model so he'll be a good person in the future. And this Seunggyo, 'his' Seunggyo---at least that's how Jinsoo thinks---is exactly what he wished he'd grow up to be. Cheerful, sweet, kind-hearted, full of love. But the 'wolf' is still alive within, growing stronger each day as Seunggyo's Alpha senses are starting to function.

Jinsoo loves Seunggyo but is terrorized of the Wolf.

Even Seunggyo himself is scared of the Wolf within him.

But the Wolf is still a part Seunggyo, and he's in pain, scared, all alone....

He bear Seunggyo's wounds so the boy could still smile.

He protected Seunggyo when Jinsoo wasn't around. He did exactly what Jinsoo did--protecting Seunggyo--so why does everyone hate him...? Why does people call him a monster...?

The little Wolf just wants Seunggyo to accept him. To share pain and happiness together. Afterall, they're one. The Mask and The Shadow, they make the self. 

He just wants Jinsoo to love him as much as Jinsoo loves another side of Seunggyo.

Little Wolfie just doesn't want to be alone :(



Regina Rivera

A bitch finally got money so I'm back and it's only be about 5 minutes and I'm crying. 🤧🤧.


Random question how did Minmin find out Jinsoo was an omega. He’s been hiding it from a lot of people was he an exception??


He found out through the doc when he was hired!