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I made a polling last month for another side ship, Seojoon x Hyungseok won against Seojoon x Jungshin. So expect more of their interaction ;)

Don't worry about Jungshin though, I won't make him stay as "The Only Single Friend".... he'll get his own mate too. ;)




On a personal note I just got rhinitis surgery yesterday, and final surgery for my blocked tear canal will be done tomorrow! My eyes had improved a lot, my inner eyeball pressure (I forget the technical term) had been decreased to normal range. Thank you so much guys for making me able to afford health treatments. I'll work hard in return <3



Carol LeBras

I am shocked to read you had to have surgery! I hope this will eleviate your eye problems and you recover soon, best wishes to you!

Mia Yamazaki

Recover well and rest plenty we love our authornim happy and healthy