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....I apologize. This is me. Do I pretend to be another race? No. I AM Asian. My mom is half-Chinese half Malay. My dad is Javanese. I held grudge against my dad and never really considered his blood in me, that's why I lean more onto my mom's bloodline. That's why I said I'm half Chinese. I'm sorry if this upsets you.

And yes this is me. Not edited. I mean we can meet IRL. 

I have apologized so many times, idk, it's hard to beg for forgiveness but I will still do.

I am guilty, and I am sorry. But I'm human too, and I want to be a better person, please give me a chance.



Danielle Houston

No matter what race you are, we love you so much. No one said you had to be a certain race or type of nationality to do art. For those to discredit you like that should feel quite shameful and disgusted in their behavior. Ignore their cruel words and look past those comments to the thousands of ones expressing their love and admiration for you work.

Raven Shiki13

You your so beautiful 😍