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I just lost my cat...

I know it's just a cat, but to me, he's a friend.

October 2017, I was on my lowest point. I was depressed. Everyone hated me, even someone I considered my best friend told me she'd kill me if she had the chance. I thought about ending my life. But I didn't want to - I wanted to survive, so I adopted a cat.... to have a purpose in life.

His name was Yi Tao, though I usually called him "adek" ("little brother").

He's just a cat, but to me, he's a family.

He was the reason why I bothered to try again, to draw and have faith that everything would get better in the end. I forced myself to work, to make enough money to buy food for him. I always bought him the best food, the most expensive even. He would feed from my hands. When I was drawing, he'd jump on my desk and sat on my tablet, then played with my stylus. I never had the heart to yell at him, so I just sat there, sending desperate look to Mom so she got the clue and took Adek off from my desk.

Lately I feel like I'm too busy with myself.

Too busy drawing, too busy sleeping, too busy counting pill per pill I have to take each day. I still pet him, still love him, I still stop in the middle of eating just to feed him kitty treat. I love him, I know I do, but I might be too busy....

I hope he knew I loved him, and I still do.

Today I bought cute eyeglasses for him, bought him his favorite kitty treats. He was happily playing and napping and then, just in a matter of minutes, he passed away.

It's too sudden.

I jumped on my car and ran in the middle of the rain to find a vet. It's already too late in the evening. I couldn't find any doctor. Then, my sister called me, and said Adek passed away.

I hated myself, I still do - if I wasn't too busy, I might know what went wrong. I just diverted my attention away from him for like 5 minutes and suddenly he's lying cold on the floor. It could be heart problem, my mom said, but I don't know.... I feel so guilty.

I'm sorry, this isn't what you expect when you subscribe to me, but I don't have many friends (I have a few, called one to vent ), I just feel like I need to get this out of my chest.

I feel horrible, lonely, angry.

But I can only hope Adek was happy when he's with me.

Rest in peace, the love of my life.


Violin Alizée

I lost my cat in December, she was my best friend, following me everywhere for 15 years, playing and sleeping with me, so I totally get how you feel... I felt so empty, it's been more than a month now and I still miss her so much. I like to imagine her watching me from the stars. I hope she is happy where she is now and that she is waiting for me. I wish you a lot of strength to overcome your loss, and I wish you only remember the good moments! Your cat definitely loved you! Be strong


Hey, don't feel guilty. Cats usually hide their diseases (survival instincts), so there was no way for you to know. As a veterinarian, I assure you that you did what was best for him: you gave him life quality, you gave him love. With you, he had a happy life. c: