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Hi Patrons,

First of all, I'm quite overwhelmed this month. I was so happy when I hit 250 Patron milestone and made that special episode, but when I look at my number of Patron right now, it's 400. I keep asking myself if I deserve that much support?? 

I'm sorry if I don't interact much, or if my rewards aren't good enough U___U But I truly will work harder in the future! 

I really wanted to draw more but my eyes aren't fully recovered yet, in fact they got worse in the last 5 days. I haven't seen a doctor yet but I will soon.

I also want to give physical rewards but shipping cost is soooo expensive ;;____;; and I don't want to subject my Patrons to shipping fees. :<

Also, I see that LINE Webtoon is opening ads revenue program. Our Omega Leadernim receives 1,7M monthly view this month and it's worth of 1,000$ but I don't think I will apply for ads revenue, ads may be annoying to some readers. My mom keeps encouraging me though, she's like, "THAT'S YOUR MONEY GO GRAB IT" lol. I don't think LINE allows mature content on the program, so nah, I'd rather not getting extra money rather than censoring Seunggyo and Jinsoo's thirst for each other :P

TL;DR, I'm working as hard as I can and try to annoy my readers as less as I can, I hope my effort is worth it.




ps: My wifi is still under maintenance so there may be delay in reward delivery, but they all should be delivered before November 5th. If you decide to stop your support before that date, no worries, you'll still have the remaining rewards delivered to your email. I hope you guys continue to support me though, I'm trying to make Our Omega Leadernim worth the support hehe ^^)/



omg you should totally apply for the ads revenue!! your readers will understand! you work so hard you deserve it!!


Do the ads thing! You work so hard, you deserve the money!