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Uhh I tried to login a few times but failed and ended up getting locked out of my account for 24 hours due to "having too many attempts to log in" ;;u;;

 when I succeeded Patreon was in maintenance mode.... orz.... at least I can login now phew

I'll post a special episode soon as a reward, I want to finish yesterday but idk why suddenly my eyes got sore again after finishing last episode so I took a day off to rest ;;u;; the special episode will have NSFW scenes for Patron only~~ non-Patrons will get non-NSFW version as usual :"D

Thank you for your patronage, please do keep supporting me next month and beyond to keep Our Omega Leadernim going <3

Best regards,


Best regards,




Omg that is scary I'm glad you were able to get in ;;; sends so much love because youre amazing. I mean seriously if you still got me thinking of minhyuks character abd loving him 24/7 you must be doing something right uwuuwu


I loved the new update! I will continue to support you. Always~ Thankfully you did not got locked out. More for us users and fans then! 💜

MIJIN [Felicia]

actually it was the second time i got locked out TT______TT the captcha is very glitchy, I saw some people complaining about it too on Patreon support twitter. I contacted Patreon front desk and they promised if the locking out happens again in the past, I'll just have to wait for 24 hours, no need to panic.... but I'm a natural panicky person orz

MIJIN [Felicia]

thank you veeeery much!!! i panicked and contacted the front desk and after 24 hours i can log in again, finally >.