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Finally unveiling my new project! ^^

I apologize for not posting for a long time because Patreon required me to submit my ID to verify my age and there were some issues... I still feel weird posting my passport scan but anything to access my Patreon page again.

Anyway, back to the comic :D

It doesn't have a title yet. The folder is called "Married By Coincidence" in my computer, but idk if that makes a good comic title ^^"

This is different from the comic I submitted for a publisher, so in total I'm working on 3 titles at once right now. In case the deal the publisher get cancelled, I will also share the comic here.

This is the preview of first few episodes of my new comic! If you've followed me for quite some time, perhaps you remember my draft about a soldier and a spy raising a child together.... the idea is still the same, but I unfortunately have to change the main characters to make the tone of the story a bit more light-hearted. I hope you like them!!

Our Omega Leader-nim new episode will be posted this weekend, I'm sorry for the delay. My health is still in the gutter. TT_TT

Anyway, enjoy! ^^

If you do like them I will ink and color this comic so lemme know what you think :D




Oh I love this!!


Looks interesting but who are the main characters???? The guy on his lap or the one with the baby????