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My internet is very slow with uploads - so I decided to do it in three parts.

The first one starts at an odd number, since I didn't save HQ before that - it didn't occur to me to do that at that time. So don't wonder why the pics are numbered starting from 654 and sometimes there are holes in between.

Just that some pictures didn't meet Quality after I looked at them again and didn't release them (which got less the better I got with the program).

Anyway! Part 1 of 3:


Password: heliopart1



Wrong password


I changed the link - I don't know what happened. I just removed the password. For now until I figure out what is happening.


1 and 2 worked, but I don't see #3?


3 is pretty small atm. So I'm thinking about posting it later the week when I got at least to 950