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It is no secret to anyone that I have been inactive this month, my initial idea was to rest a bit and publish less content (returning to the usual rhythm in September) but as soon as the month began I fell ill.

During the last three months I had had small bleeding just on my "most fertile" days, at first I associated it with my ovulation, however last month the bleeding was more abundant, painful and this led me to the gynecologist.

In theory, everything was roughly fine and it was all due to an infection. I started the medication and right after my period came, which has been the longest and most painful period I've had in my life.

I assume that, having lost so much blood and having come out of treatment, it caused my immunologically to be on the ground and I came down with a cold, for which I spent a few days with a fever and in bed.

This week I finally started to feel good, I had no more cold or bleeding... Until a couple of days ago, when the bleeding started again. First it was very light, almost imperceptible, today it has been more intense.

The gynecologist told me that there could be a "relapse" and told me that if that were the case, I should take the medication again. If this doesn't work, I'll have to take a stronger one and if it still doesn't do anything, I'll have to go to the gynecologist again.

Having lost so much blood this month has me weaker than usual and also quite nervous. The pain in my right ovary (which seemed to be more swollen and bloody during the consultation) aches and makes me wonder if everything is really ok with it and if this treatment is really the solution or is there something else.

I ask for your patience and understanding.


Berry's Bakery

Rest as much as you need Waltz <3


<3 I’m so sorry for your struggles. I hope you can feel better soon. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!