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Can you feel it already? The excitement of the Sledders' Release!

Braap, braap! THE DAY is almost here! THE RELEASE DAY!

Sledders is coming out on Early Access in just two days - on December 5th. We couldn't be more happy and excited about it, whew.

The release will mean a couple of things...

First of all, there will be no more free demo. The demo is not compatible with the full game, so we would need to develop two separate games at the same time. And we want to focus on offering the full game as a full experience, so the demo will be removed.

When you buy the full game you will have all the sleds in the game! And you will pay just once. The game will cost about $25 USD/25€.

As a thank you to long-time supporters we give full game for free if you have subscribed more than 5 months/paid more than $25 USD.

And then furthermore, we will have a TON of updates coming up for the release and a new trailer to show off! But I will not tell you about them just yet ;)

Just enjoy the demo for now. It will be removed on Monday, December 4th - one full day before the release.

And hey! Remember to wishlist the game and follow the game so you will not miss any future updates.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2486740/Sledders/




I've payed for 5 mouths and have not got my key. Can someone help.


I've paid the biggest subscription last month but i did not get my key

oskar myrevik

ive payed 4 months whit subscription an have not gotten my key can anyone help me