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Hello everyone, I'm here at last, let me start with an apology for taking so long to make an announcement, I'm sorry, I should've know better given how things work in my country, for a long time it just wasn't possible, I was left with no options so I decided to wait instead, but I wasn't prepared for how long it will take so my websites were left abandoned for over a month and I'm ashamed for that, I'm relieved this is just text because I wouldn't know what face to make in front of you.

I'll take this post to explain some things but I will try to make it short and concise, so I hope you can understand, and whatever doubt left I will gladly respond in the comments, but I am fine now :)

What Happened?

A collapse in my State (it was the same or worse in other parts in Venezuela) starting with no gas for cars or even the kitchen, then followed by water, internet, phone services and even cable tv, combined with the pandemic effects we were left in a really bad shape, and while electricity still worked, my best friend wasn't so lucky, he lives close but his house and other 20 were left with no service for several weeks ( I thought it would be a matter of time for the same happening in my home) and that affected his health too with all the stress, he's recovering now, last time I talked about the heat wave, that was the cause of the failure there, you can see a video here recorded by one of his neighbors if you're curious. They paid to get that repaired because the government took the company that would repair that normally long ago and when you call, they just say that there are no spare parts to fix it.

When my internet failed too much, I would go to his house to work, but that wasn't possible, of course I didn't just sit at home all day but I really had low inspiration, I didn't even know when I was going to return.


Let me be clear with one thing, I'm not asking for pity, we're all recovering from that time here and I'm okay and working, I'm not broke either, I had my saves and spend only for the basics stuff during my absence, thanks to you, but it's a fact that there was a long time and I feel wrong about taking money I don't deserve, for that, I will not be taking the patreon's money that comes at the end of this month, so in July 1 you won't be charged, I'll skip the month were I wasn't present and motivated, this is for me too so I can accept your support for the days to come after without feeling guilty, one might argue that those were things outside my control but the fact that it feels wrong still remain, and I feel like I could've done more while I was offline, I hope you can understand and know that this won't affect me in a bad way.  I highly appreciate your help, I don't take it lightly!


Now for some good news, this is something I've should've done for a long time! Here's a MEGA folder with Most of the works I've done since 2018! in case you can't find a post or it was deleted (for some reasons >_>)  [Click Here SereneandSilent Artwork folder MEGA]

If they have a password: valhallaknight

If they have a different password let me know so I can update the file, I will keep it updated from now on,  I hope it helps!

Lastly, let me say 2 things, first, to express my gratitude, for the people who waited for my return, thank you very much! and sorry if I worried you. Also,  I have a different internet service now (it's the third one I've tried!) it's expensive but damn, it works!  that's all I ask!  it's the reason why I can upload bigger files 3 times faster too I hope it stays that way.

My only wish is to keep drawing! Next goal, Huion Kanvas Pro 16!!!

PS: Check the post below to see the works coming up next!!! There are 2 other in progress that I will show at a later date too, more Tatsu and Elizabeth Bathory !



It's okay man please take your time and we are always here to support you :)

Tokoyami Rey



Glad you are back safe and sound. And please don't be too stressful for something you cannot control.


Safety will always be first! $1 is nothing compared to a person's well being.


Thanks for your kind words! I thought about it for some time and thought it would give me more peace of mind on the long run!


Thanks for your consideration, but when I came back and saw so many people still here I thought that was enough, to be honest I'm just glad!


As everyone said, glad to hear you’re safe and all. And nice to see you back also, we missed you. :)


Glad to hear you still safe, take care of yourself.

Daybreaker Rein

Great to hear from you, and glad you are doing well. Stay safe out there man!


Glad you're ok. Also honestly your art is so good that I feel you should charge more anyway so I'm fine paying you even if you miss a few months.


It seems like OPM series, Tatsucombo and Tastumaki VS Psykos Battle Saga Part 1 doesn't fit the password, would you mind to check?


Also 2018 Azure Beach (Without Named Part)


Thanks for your kind words, I would draw and share even if I didn't have a patreon so I consider any extra support a big support!


Hello MoLoKi! just checked, I removed the Tatsucombo link and made a new Rar file, you can check it as "Tatsucombo Sketch compilation Patreon" as for the others, there were duplicates, basically if they have 2 with similar names, only the one that says Patreon it's finished. I removed the duplicates from the folder! thanks for letting me know


Hope the world is peaceful and people are safe


Your absence was even more worrying than usual given the current situtation with you having like no health care in your country. Glad you are okay, you better stay healthy or... >_< Regarding the dollar, it's generous of you to have set the paywall so low in the first place, speaking for myself i don't need to care about the single dollar beeing charged, but its definitely nice knowing it Adds up in masses and ends up beeing a nice weighty sum on your end. And you managed to deliver a finished artwork this month too, but if you think returning the money is the right thing to do in this case do it i guess. Tatsu coming is alright, but i'm hyped to see Liz, she is such a cute dragongirl, wonder if it'll be cute or lewd.


Definitely lewd Liz hahaha I wonder if I should just post a preview or just say "check the mega poster!" when it's ready xD that aside, thanks Kurome, I remember when you said to me "please don't disappear" and that resonated to me a lot, because I remembered great artist that I found and they were great but never posted again, that broke my heart so many times and I would never be another one, you might not remember but that's a phrase that keeps me from turning too negative.


Its great to see you back! I really hope that your safe and sound and that everything works itself out. Quick question about the mega download though, some of th files are in .sai format, what uses .sai files? Never seen that before


Thank you so much! yeah I want to leave the dark days behind! Hmmm could you kindly tell me which files? (the names) those files... are probably not meant to be shared in the first place, because that's the program I use to draw so they're most likely unfinished works, ideally you all should get the PNG versions because that's the final HD work.